Weiss_Schnee - Page 618

I can't be bothered to write this now lol
I know this won't happen but, if next year, the UK had Gary Barlow for Eurovision, WE'D WIN!!! XD
on May 11, 2014
Oh hell yeah! Dauntless! The test never lies!
You are Dauntless!
Congratulations! You are Dauntless. You are crazy and wild, and also tremendously fearless! Building jumping, sky diving, zip-lining or even capture the flag interests you. You admire those who are brave, and your dream is to become exactly that. Your beliefs are acts of bravery and defense, and you do not believe in cowardice. You are also not afraid to speak harsh things, and your actions can sometimes be sharp. You may even snap or get into a fight with people you highly despise. You like where you stand, and rarely care for the health or opinions of others. Your daring actions and chances that you take explain a lot about you, and you are most likely popular for that. Not to mention - your favorite dessert is a precise slice of chocolate cake!
You usually keep your hair down, or put it into outstanding hairstyles, like a fishtail or waterfall braid, even if it may get messy due to the outside activities you perform. Your colors that you wear are mainly jet-black or red, or even both mixed together to make an attractive outfit. The Dauntless faction's substance at the choosing ceremony is the sizzling coal, and your blood seems to fry as it meets them.
on May 11, 2014
Never lies! Now move before these knives end up in your heart! You're in the target!!
on May 11, 2014
Trust the test! :D
on May 11, 2014
on May 10, 2014
Bow down people! I am the new Princess Peach!
Princess Peach
You are Princess Peach
I wonder what Peach would look like as a Mobian...
on May 10, 2014
I'm a Yoshi! Yay! :D
on May 10, 2014
on May 10, 2014
Ellie the Bat
Ellie the Bat
Name: Ellie
Species: Bat
Faction of origin: Erudite
Chosen faction: Erudite
Appearance: See photo
Personality: Intelligent, yet naive
Other: She chooses her birth faction because she was threatened that if she didn't, her parents would track her down and kill her, and being naive, she believed it.
on May 10, 2014
Sapph I need help!
I wanna make a Sonic WWFFY, but creating personality quizzes looks too complicated for me...
Can you help me out? You seem so good at it!
Thx ^.^ All you do is make up a story in your mind about what could happen how you meet the guys and the adventure! Then decide who you meet. Once you get the story up and running and you know what your doing you can add a oc if you want too. Also if you can't think of a story you can take other wwffys to give you ideas :D I hoped this helped!
on May 11, 2014
on May 10, 2014
added a new chapter to Human-Hedgehog
Recapping events

Okay, this has been a crazy time so far. Did I lose you guys in the middle? Let me recap in case:

1) I had no friends, I wished for some, I met the boys, and they lived with me on Earth for all of last month.
2) Eggman found me at school, kidnapped me when Sonic took me home, and turned me into a Mobian.
3) I met Sapphire and Alexis and the other girls and now they too are my best friends
4) Tails made 2 machines to get me home a human, but it's gonna be ages before it can hap...
on May 10, 2014
added a new chapter to Human-Hedgehog
Running for Revenge

WHAT exactly happened just now?! Our fur has turned PINK!
"WHY is our fur pink?!" Knuckles shouts.
"Don't look at me! I didn't do anything!" I say.
Some of the boys eye Manic. It usually is him who pulls pranks.
"Hey, just because I'm the prankster does NOT mean I do EVERY prank! I never did this!"
Then we all eye each other with wide eyes.
"THE GIRLS DID THIS!" Shadow shouts, and we all race upstairs to their room.
"OH GOD!" Sapphire shrieks!
"DID YOU DO THIS?!" I shout.
The gi...
on May 10, 2014
Meeting Justine
On my way to see Sonic and the others after school, I walk to my locker and put my school books in.
When I close the locker, I see someone at my side. She's a white cat, but with red and orange streaks, and she has an outrageous sense of style.
But she doesn't say hi. Instead, she tackles me to the ground. I kick her off me and stand up, but she punches me in the face. She's tough, this one!
But then she looks at me. I'm not even breaking a sweat, and she seems impressed.
"Wow, you really are...
on May 10, 2014
created a story
Rosie the Cat
A young cat of 5 years old, abandoned to survive alone. But she's not an ordinary cat... Now, at 10 years old, Rosie is about to uncover a side to her she never knew.
13 reads 13 readers 10 profile story
on May 10, 2014
uploaded a photo
If Tris Prior was a Mobian... (THEN WE'D BE DAUNTLESS XD)
Weiss_Schnee's Photo 27
on May 10, 2014
Who wants to RP? I'm SO bored!
on May 12, 2014
(I'll see ya later Crim, I gotta get going to my last lessons, cya!)
on May 12, 2014
(And I've just released the next chapter, and just in time for the bell as well XD)
on May 12, 2014
(Idk but I have had longer :P)
on May 12, 2014
-sits down-
Crimson:-stays silent and waits with a expressionless face-
on May 12, 2014
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on May 10, 2014
Justine the Cat (made by DauntlessAndProud)
Justine the Cat (made by DauntlessAndProud)
Name: Justine
Species: Cat
Faction of origin: Dauntless
Chosen faction: Dauntless
Appearance: See photo
Personality: Brave and daring 24/7!
Other: She carries her own set of knives, but keeps them hidden.
on May 10, 2014
added a new chapter to Human-Hedgehog
Sweet Revenge
Sweet Revenge

Well, that love thing Tails set up was interesting.
I decide to chill out in the living room for a while, when Sapphire and Alexis walk in.
"You ready Jackie?" Sapphire whispers to me.
"For what?" I ask.
"Operation 'Get the guys back', of course," Alexis says, winking.
Oh yeah! Time for the mission!
"So how do we pull this off?" I ask.
"Well, we need you to sneak into Tails's lab," Sapphire explains "and steal the potion that he keeps next to him on the table. Make sure he does...
on May 10, 2014
Woo thanks for letting me in!!
Hey everybody!!!!
on May 10, 2014
HI!!! :D
on May 10, 2014
on May 10, 2014
has become a member of the page
Qfeast Roll Call
sup hoes. this is a good quality™ page i promise y'all (well it'll probs be deleted soon but that's ok with me tbh)
68 subscribers 57 members fully opened profile page
on May 10, 2014
asked a question
What is your idea of what Dauntless USED to be like before Max was appointed leader?
I'd really like to know what your idea is. My idea is probably what Tobias told Tris: that teamwork was a priority.
4 / 2
on May 10, 2014
Maybe I should write a story about Sonic's life AFTER Sonic and the Black Knight, you know, when he found out he was King of Camelot? Maybe I should do something like that. Then a stranger comes, and it just develops from there XD
Should I do that for a story???
Yeah! That would be epic!
on May 10, 2014
on May 10, 2014
Wow, thank you so much for following me!! :)
oh, welcome! XD
on May 10, 2014
on May 10, 2014
One month ago today I first joined Qfeast as XJackieX. I met some real cool friends (shoutouts to Sapphire, Frost, Crimson, Alexis, and all the other Sonic fans out there!) and things just grew from there. Then a couple weeks ago, I changed my name to JackieTheHedgehog. My stories, quizzes, polls, pages, questions, it all grew from there, and they still are.
So let's see what this next months has to bring!
Thanks for da shout out! I need to add you to my list of awesome people to follow if i have not already..^_^ ~Crimson
on May 10, 2014
on May 10, 2014
Lea-Anne the Hedgehog
Lea-Anne the Hedgehog
Name: Lea-Anne (Lea)
Species: Hedgehog
Faction of origin: Dauntless
Chosen faction: Dauntless
Appearance: See photo
Personality: Strong, brave, courageous
Other: She is Sonic's little sister and hopes to one day become a Dauntless leader like her brother.
on May 09, 2014