How've you been?

Oh, hey! I’ve been good! You?
on July 21, 2022
on July 18, 2022

Kind of surprised this is still here. Kind of not. Always up for a chat even if I'm barely here.
on October 05, 2020

Sorry; I dip in and out of activeness. But if any of ya'll wish to contact me by other means, let m know. Other than that, I'll be on and off
on September 23, 2019

Mind if I ask where in Australia you are?

Oh man, sorry for the super late reply! @AltoClef.UkuleleBoy
That's a shame - I use disc a lot more than Qfeast >.<
That's a shame - I use disc a lot more than Qfeast >.<
on March 06, 2020

@Cristallite I do have discord, but I don't have access to it right now
on September 15, 2019

Aww! I feel honoured. You seem amazing too! Though I'm more active on disco.rd and on weekends ahah. Busy with school and all that. But yeah, AWST time here :>
on September 15, 2019

@Cristallite thank you, I just kind of want to try to match up with your time zone sometimes
I think you're a neat person and fun to talk to you
I think you're a neat person and fun to talk to you
on September 15, 2019

on September 15, 2019
on September 15, 2019

Sorry it's legit 10 to 3am..I'm crashing. Gn y'all.
on September 14, 2019

To those who've joined, I extend my welcome. Welcome to the...community. Yeah.
on September 14, 2019

I might, if I get the time, make a WWFFY with my Ocs for the heck of it.

Not any time soon, though. Can't focus right now plus gonna be busy next week & week after
on September 14, 2019
on September 14, 2019

Cristallite added a new chapter to When
Really, this is shameless promoting.
Svapna Samsara. That was one word for...Your kind. One rarely used, but certainly there. Sometimes it was simply Samsarians. It was a word you heard of from long ago. Sanskrit, or something if you recalled. Svapna meant the Dream. Samsara meant....Many things. It meant a Wanderer, but it also meant the cycle of Life and Death.
Yes, you were a dreamwalker, one who tread the boundary of the conscious and subconscious. Or at least, one in halted-training... Read Full Chapter
Svapna Samsara. That was one word for...Your kind. One rarely used, but certainly there. Sometimes it was simply Samsarians. It was a word you heard of from long ago. Sanskrit, or something if you recalled. Svapna meant the Dream. Samsara meant....Many things. It meant a Wanderer, but it also meant the cycle of Life and Death.
Yes, you were a dreamwalker, one who tread the boundary of the conscious and subconscious. Or at least, one in halted-training... Read Full Chapter
on September 14, 2019

Yo, you seem pretty neat. What kind of fandoms are you into?

Thanks (◕ᴗ◕✿) you too!
And I don't really make a list of fandoms but I think for now I'm into MHA, Pokemon, K-pop (twice, BTS , TxT) , Land of lustrous, OHSHC
And I don't really make a list of fandoms but I think for now I'm into MHA, Pokemon, K-pop (twice, BTS , TxT) , Land of lustrous, OHSHC
on September 14, 2019
on September 14, 2019

Hiya, can I shamelessly advocate the quiz I just made? If you'd be willing to give it a go! If not, no problem!

Thank! So, it's a Cyoa based quiz and uh, I'm not too sure where it's going but feedback would be appreciated! Thank you
on September 14, 2019
on September 14, 2019

I'm working on a CYOA. I got to Q4, but it didn't save so I'm restarting. On Q2, would anyone be interested in it? Or should I just stop now? Lmao.
on September 14, 2019

The person below me has a non-literal heart of gold.
on September 12, 2019

Might write. a story. Dunno. Might be one shots. Might be a short series. Time will tell.

Funny, when I used to think what I wrote was good. It just feels cringy. Still, not that I'm much better now, hopefully I'm not as bad.
on September 10, 2019
on September 10, 2019

Cristallite asked a question

When you hear Qfeast, what do you think of? Whether it be a word, specific users (if so...
on September 09, 2019

It's been so long since I've last been on. Crikey.
on September 08, 2019

on February 26, 2019