on August 09, 2015

on December 26, 2014

Qfeast is Making a Movie!
Qfeast decided to make a movie! Who is the director? The backstage crew? The cast? Find out!
on November 05, 2014

Sapphire Blue
Sapphire: Wisdom. Purity. Those where the two words Safira Night has to live off her entire life.
Opal: Confidence. Faithfulness. Faith has acted like this her entire life, and she can't afford to change now.
Garnet: Safety. Security. Aaron loves these qualities more than anything, but might a simple mistake make him lose them?
" 'You need to be born by the rules. Live by the rules. Die by the rules.' " That quote traumatizes Safira and she decides to find a way out of this horrible dystopia. In a world where you are born with a personality according to your birthstone, everything is neat and sorted out, but then Safira Night comes into the picture and changes everything.
on October 12, 2014

Quote Competitions
Probably around once a week I'll post a prompt for a quote competition! If you made the quote, please remember to tell me, if you didn't just tell me who it was said by (If you don't know put unknown) Some competitons while require you make a picture for your quote, others you can just post a pic if you feel like it. Good luck! Happy posting!
on October 11, 2014

hey everyone
on October 06, 2014

In this world, your fate depends on your birthday. The world revolves around zodiac signs, and everything about you depends on when you were born. Once you turn 15, you get all kinds of cool, special privileges, and Celine is totally ready for her 15th birthday. What will happen when she finally turns 15?
on October 06, 2014

''Some qfeasters are special... Some qfeasters think they're special but are really peices of trash,, -bobdacool ©®
on September 25, 2014

Fan Fiction Boot Camp
Welcome (or not) to fan fiction boot camp! Qfeast is not known for it's fan fics, and we must help with that! I will post prompts, and you must write a fan fiction according to the prompt. If the prompt is not for a fandom you are in, please tell me and I'll give you a different prompt! The top three best stories will be posted after about a week and a half.
on September 21, 2014

on September 20, 2014

on September 19, 2014

BobDaCool added a new chapter to Bobie's 1st Grade Diary
moving on from DAT...
so.. me an' bobertino walky walky to me's house and den we watch LE MOVIE! it 'bout two persons on ze fat boat and they fly over the something or otha' AND THEN the ship dude slams ze fat boat into a white wall *starts singing white walls* and ship sinky sinky many people go X_X me and bobertino cried and in ze theme song: My parts (bobertino: HEART) will go on, me and le bobertino sag. den, we mades a parody to the chorus:
on September 19, 2014

BobDaCool added a new chapter to Bobie's 1st Grade Diary
Neh eh! the bobby buffalo..
I was like MHM! we prance 'round ze class hi-fiving everyone! I smiling' with my top-y hatso fatso! Sudunly, I see something howrable! Boby wobby buffalo CHARGIN' at moi! he was alwayz a pacifist! I grab meh's trusty ruler and dodge bobby and spank him! he rears and digs a hole in ze floor and he burrowz into ze ground! All ze kidos gather round to observe. I start singing' a song. it go lak this:
(slow paced song)
Boby wobby buffalo
oh he aint no
where to go
he lak: MOOOO
in ma face
and he... Read Full Chapter
(slow paced song)
Boby wobby buffalo
oh he aint no
where to go
he lak: MOOOO
in ma face
and he... Read Full Chapter
on September 14, 2014

Bob so cool
on September 13, 2014