a murderers guardian

a murderers guardian

15 year old Mia Millered get into a car crash, having a good soul she is sent to heaven and is assigned to be a guardian angel, to a murder.

published on April 28, 201542 reads 13 readers 5 not completed
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Chapter 3.

first day

  I met Marvis back at the tree like he told me to.
"here you will need this to get to him" Marvis said handing me a shinning stone and i teleported to James.  When i opened my eyes at was at a house in front of me was James he had black hair but white skin he was wearing all black with a knife he was hovered an old an who was sleeping.
"what do you think your doing!" i said james turned to look at me i could now see he had a cut lip put yellow perfect teeth.  he raised his knife and tried to cut me but it went through me.
"What who are you?" He asked.  I smiled, maybe I could get a good joke out of him, but maybe I shouldn't
" I'm your guardian angel" I try to sound heavenly but I just end up talking like I'm joking
"Prove it" he smirked.  I held out my hand 'please work' I think as I say "here have an apple" nothing happens.  I sigh " I said here have an apple" I look straight at my hands and finally see an apple.  James takes a step back stumbling over the man who wakes up.  I know he is a bad guy but he is my first, well client I guess I could say, but I called out anyway "run" he didn't really need a reminder he sprinted all the way out.  
" I'll meet you tomorrow?" I called I picked up the crystal headed back to heaven
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Comments (5)

really cool but a lot of grammer mistakes (sorry) anyway, I LOVE the plot line :)
It's ok and thx!
on June 12, 2015
on June 12, 2015
Add more, please! :D
on June 04, 2015
Pwease continue it X3
on April 29, 2015
The description sounds very intriguing! I can't wait to read more!
on April 28, 2015