The Book of Randomness

This is pretty much a bunch of random things I've written. This counts from OC's of any fandom or roleplay, short stories, poems and more! I'm too lazy to make a story picture so yeah. Read if you want. I'm not forcing you to.

published on March 08, 20167 reads 6 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

The Tale Of Team 11

Might as well make 5 chapters, they're only been short after all. This is a Naruto fanfiction (More like Naruto-based) that I've been writing with a friend of mine. This is only chapter one. If you like it, I may transfer it to here ^.^ I put a lot of effort into this story. Be warned that there is swearing.

“Begin!” Someone shouts. Immediately after, two figures darted at each other, fists pulled back. I can’t lose, not to a guy like him… One of the opponents released a short battle cry, swinging her arm swiftly. Her attack was easily evaded, and she shifted to the left, avoiding a kick. “Idiot, do you think you stand a chance?” A male voice insults, before grunting as he blocked another punch. “Shut up, Hotaru! I’ll pummel you to the ground!” The woman declared, recklessly throwing another blow. Hotaru’s eyes narrowed, and he fought the urge to smirk.

“You’re wide open, Akane.” After informing the red-haired girl about her mistake, he straightened his hand, aiming for the pressure point in her shoulder tendon. The newly dubbed Akane gasped in pain, holding her shoulder and falling to her knees. “Five seconds to get back up. Four.” She clenched her eyes shut. My legs...won’t move! “The winner of this match is Hotaru Yukimura.” Iruka announces, causing Akane to slam her head on the ground. “Damn it!” She shouted causing the other students to look at her. As Hotaru walked off, a blue haired girl walked towards her.

“Are you okay Akane?” Her voice was so quiet that most would have to strain their ears in order to hear. The said girl shook her head. “I was beaten again Ai!” She whined. “Well maybe you should stop asking to face Hotaru A-” The person was rudely cut off by Akane. “No! I refuse to give up! But why can’t I beat him? Why can’t I beat Hotaru, Ai?! Ugh! I hate him!” The lass sweatdropped as Akane began another rant about how Hotaru was so annoying and how much she hated him. “Calm down Akane.” She murmured, however it fell on deaf ears as Akane continued her ramble all the way back to the classroom.

“Don’t you agree, Ai?” She questioned. Ai snapped out of her thoughts, having tuned her out as soon as she began complaining. She nodded her head, pretending that she had been listening. “Of course Akane,” Ai replies, smiling slightly. Akane cheered. “I knew I wasn’t the only one! Say, I was thinking of making an ‘I Hate Hotaru’ club, what do you think?” Ai sweatdropped once more. “Great idea...” She murmured. I think you’d be the only one to join the club, Akane. Ai sighed quietly as Akane began another rant.

“Koizumi Ai.” She stood up as her name was called. “Guess it’s my turn...” She mumbled. Her voice was calm but internally, she was stressing. How am I supposed to make three decent clones if I don’t know what I actually look like? Sure I’ve been told but what if they are terrible? She sighed “Wish me luck...” The blunette muttered as she entered the exam room. “H-huh?” She shouted in surprise as a kunai whizzed past her, missing by a mere centimetre. She narrowed her eyes.

I see...Since I’m blind, they’re using a different method. The kunoichi smirked knowingly, before closing her eyes. She listened to the sounds around her; the chirping of the birds and the loud chatter of the students. Ai skillfully tuned out all of the distractful noises. There! She thought before backflipping out of the way as a volley of shurikens was flung at her. She kept her eyes closed as she focused. Footsteps..They’re light but I can still hear them...I can see their chakra. Ai blocked a swift punch before crouching down and sweeping the other ninja off of their feet using her legs.

Before they could get back up, she pinned the ninja to the ground, holding a kunai to their neck. “Dead.” She whispered airily. A chuckle was heard from underneath her. “Congratulations Ai. You pass. Now uh..could you get off of me?” The voice spoke. She widened her eyes. “Oh! Sorry Iruka-sensei!” She stood up. I passed! Now if only Akane could do. I’m sure she will. I have faith in her. I hope we’re on the same ninja squad. She smiled as she was handed a hitai-ite. Fumbling a bit, she tied it around her left arm, just below her shoulder. She left the exam room as Iruka called out her sister’s name. Ai decided she would wait outside for her sister.

Meanwhile, Akane jumped to her feet as she heard her name. “Alright! Let’s do this!” She shouted. Hotaru glared at her. “Keep it down, idiot.” He spoke in an irritated tone. Akane childishly stuck her tongue out before running into the exam room. “I suppose you’ll be glad to know that your sister passed. Now Akane, all you need to do is make three clones.” The redhead nods before forming the hand seals necessary; hitsuji, mi and tora. As if on cue, three duplicates of herself appeared in a puff of smoke. “Alright! I did it!” Akane cheered. “I don't see why you’re so cheerful, idiot” One of the clones rolled her eyes.

Akane narrowed hers. “Hey! You sound like Hotaru! Stop it!” She glares at the clone. “Hotaru? Oh! You mean that handsome raven in our class?” A different clone swooned, blushing softly. “W-What?! I’d never fall for a guy like Hotaru! Stop acting like an idiot uh...clone 2!” She shouted, whipping around to the other duplicate. “But you are an idiot.” The first clone retorts bluntly. The third clone whimpered. “H-Hey!” It shouted, only to be silenced by Clone #1’s glare. Akane scoffed. “Anyways, here’s your headband. You pass” Iruka passed Akane a hitai-ite. She immediately brightened and dispelled the jutsu, poking out her tongue at Clone #1 before tying the headband around her right arm. “See you Iruka-sensei!” She shouted as she skipped off, probably to go pester her sister.

“Yukimura Hotaru” The raven haired male sighed as he stood up. He was the last one in the classroom. Everyone else had already gone off somewhere. With his hands in his pockets, he walked into the exam room. “Now Hotar-” Before Iruka could say any more, Hotaru had already summoned three water clones. Iruka stared wide-eyed before snapping out of his temporary shock. “Good job Hotaru. You passed. Here’s your hitai-ite.”  Hotaru took the headband, “Thanks.” He muttered while walking off, tying the headband around his forehead as he did so.

The next day Akane skipped into the classroom, greeting everyone with a bright smile. “What’s got you in such a good mood, idiot?” Hotaru spoke causing her smile to falter. She glared. She didn’t know why one of her clones had insisted on him being handsome. She didn’t see what was so great about him anyway. “Oh. It’s you. I didn’t expect to see you here.” She scoffed and Hotaru rolled his eyes. “I’m tied at the top of the class with Uchiha, of course, I’d pass. I didn’t expect you to pass considering your such a f*cking idiot.” He retorted. Akane frowned before walking towards Ai. “I hate that jerk..” She murmured.

The red haired girl zoned out as Iruka started calling out the teams. She only snapped back to reality when she heard her name. “Team 11, Koizumi Akane, Koizumi Ai” “Yes!” She interrupted, cheering at the thought of being on the same team as her sister. “Oh! Sorry! Continue on...” She chuckled nervously as Iruka glared at her. “Right, Team 11, Koizumi Akane, Koizumi Ai and Yukimura Hotaru.” Akane frowned, eyebrows furrowed and teeth grinding slightly. “What?! Why do I have to be on a team with this jerk?!” She demands. Ai sighed softly, shaking her head. “Akane..Sit down” She murmured. The younger sibling pouted but sat down anyway. “Meanie” She muttered childishly. Hotaru rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to be on their team either. An idiot and a blind person. Hmph. They’re only going to slow me down.  He thought as he turned his head to gaze out of the windows with a bored look.

By now, everyone else except for Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto had already gone. Team 11 was also unfortunately there and growing quite restless. What an idiot our sensei must be. Lateness is not a good first impression. Hotaru scowled. Just then, a knock was heard on the window. Everyone looked towards the glass to see a brown-haired male with amber eyes hanging upside down. He waved before opening the window and climbing inside. “Yo. Team 11, meet me on the roof.” With that said, the male disappeared in a puff of smoke having body flickered away. Ai sweatdropped before standing up and following after Akane who was now walking up the stairs to the roof. Hotaru followed after begrudgingly.

They opened the door to the roof only to find the male from before leaning on the railing overlooking the village. After a pregnant pause, Hotaru broke the silence. “Are you just going to stand there?” He asked. The male turned around. “So, you’re my team, huh? Well, go on. Introduce yourselves.” He says in a bored tone. “Uh...Sensei, shouldn’t you introduce yourself first? Just so we know what to do?” Akane questioned. Hotaru rolled his eyes. “Idiot.” He muttered. The man seemed to take no notice of Hotaru’s comment, and if he did, he ignored it. “Me? My name is Suzuki Kohaku. Things I like and things I hate ─ I don’t feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future...Never really thought about it. And as for my hobbies. I have lots of hobbies.” The male replied. “Why does it feel like you just copied that from somewhere?” Akane muttered. The male dubbed as Kohaku let out a nervous chuckle. How did they know?  He asked himself.

“Anyways, you with the obnoxious smile, you go first” He responded casually causing Akane to pout. “My name is Koizumi Akane! I like dangos and mochi. I also like my sister Ai and training and the colour red! I hate Hotaru!” Hotaru rolled his eyes at this but otherwise stayed silent. “My dreams? To become the best kunoichi! As for my hobbies? Um...Training!” She finished. “I suppose it's my turn. My name is Koizumi Ai. I like my sister as well as many other things. I don’t really hate anything except for people who bully my sister but even then, it's not a hate but rather a dislike. My dream is to become a great medical ninja.  As for my hobbies? I suppose I have a lot of hobbies. I’m also blind.” She smiled softly once she had finished.

Hotaru scoffed. “My name is Yukimura Hotaru. I don’t really like many things. I hate a lot of things. My hobbies are none of your concern. My dream is also none of your concern.” He finished. Before Akane could respond, Kohaku interrupted. “Good. It seems I have a very interesting team. Our first mission will be tomorrow at 5 a.m. sharp.” He disappeared. Hotaru walked over to the railing and climbed down using chakra. Akane stared wide-eyed before running off. Ai sighed and followed. Tomorrow will surely be interesting... The young kunoichi thought as she chased after her energetic sister
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