The Fate Of A Flower Y/n's POV! (sequel to Halloween In December)

The Fate Of A Flower Y/n's POV! (sequel to Halloween In December)

This is the sequel to my Jeff the killer x reader! except this story is in y/n's POV Key: y/n=your name l/n=last name f/f=favorite food f/c=favorite color f/n=friends name s/n=sister's name y/a=your age f/w=favorite weapon n/n=nickname b/n=brother's name

published on June 08, 202082 reads 8 readers 6 completed
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Chapter 12.


s/n says “I remember my mom taught me a spell to bring back the dead!” I feel my face light up as I say “teach me!” she shrugs her shoulders and says “let me bring you back first then I can teach you!”

she says a spell and I slowly starts to levitate off the ground! A few seconds later I fall to the ground with a thud. I slowly pick myself up off the floor and say “it feels nice to have a body again!” I look at my hand and notice an odd looking marking! I sware I have seen it before somewhere! I ask “s/n. . .what is this?'' I show her my hand which has a strange marking on it!

The marking looks like an a x with lines coming from the top and a line through the center! she says “maybe try to think back a little bit! Maybe like into your past!” I remember where I had seen it! I say “oh now I remember!” Jeff asks “remember what?”

I smile and say “me and f/n used to have this silly little middle school gang and this was the gang symbol! I used to draw it on my hand in sharpie! Heh memories!” s/n says “well it must have had some kind of important value to you because it came back!”

I looks at her and I feel myself fill with happiness as I say “yeah it has a few secrets behind it that I never quite understood!” I look at Jeff and ask “have you seen it anywhere?” he shakes his head no! s/n asks “have you tried asking f/n yet?” I look at her and say “good idea!” I grab her by the arm and teleport us back to f/n's house!

I knock on the door and her younger sister opens the door and asks “who are you?” I say “y/n. . .remember? f/n's middle school friend!” her sister yells “F/N!” f/n quickly comes down the stairs and says “hey y/n!” I wave! Her sister moves away from the door and f/n steps out onto the porch closing the door behind her! She asks “what’s up?” I show f/n my hand and say “remember this? Well I was wondering if you had seen it anywhere else!” f/n says “yeah I have!”...end of chapter twelve
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Comments (6)

awwwwwww, perfect ending!
well thank you!
on June 26, 2020
on June 26, 2020
on June 26, 2020
I-i-i-i have no words i-its so good i-i-i o my gosh i-i-i cant even IT'S SO GOOD!!!!!!
it's not that good!
Yes. It. ISSSS
on June 13, 2020
on June 13, 2020
on June 12, 2020