Bro it's been like a year since I been online holy- hey everybody ? idk who's online anymore tho ?
on May 21, 2022

on March 06, 2021

Have a good day everyone and hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving break ^^
on December 01, 2020

on November 07, 2020

My friends are talking about political stuff in our group chat...help I don’t know what they’re talking about-
on November 05, 2020

on November 02, 2020

Death_Note asked a question
Listen all I wanna know a few things 1 were you caught? 2 did you hide it well? 3 did a...
on November 01, 2020

on October 31, 2020

Gonna be alone on Halloween crew where you at? ?
on October 28, 2020

Death_Note added a photo to the starred list
I'm bored, and I could care less who I get shipped with (Male, Female, or fictional IDC who XD)

on October 23, 2020

I’m gone for not even two days and I get over 1000 notifications....damn keep up the good work ✨?

@Death_Note umm u see here i dont know all of the details myself even though i got dragged into it
on October 22, 2020
on October 22, 2020