Pencils and Pens

This story is about an ordinary man, who was ordinary until ONE particular Thursday. Suddenly pencils and pens start speaking to him. Edward could have never expected this!

published on January 13, 201748 reads 18 readers 9 not completed
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Pencils and Pens
Chapter 5.

The continuation of the particular Wednesday...

I looked around to find the source of the voice. I found nothing, only people rushing by in the walkways. "Are you lost 'ere?" It asked in an optimistic voice. I spoke nervously, "Um.... N-no, I pass through here all the..uh.. Time.... ". As you can see here, I'm not good with conversation. "You sure? It don't seem li-" He was interrupted by another voice. "Hush!" It screeched. I walked off, trying to ignore what just happened. I bet I looked like a crazy person.... Am I... A crazy person?

I walked up to the store, my legs a tad bit sore. I never drove a car, I was never even taught. I let out a sigh knowing I'd be here again. For what?.... No, seriously for what? "Shoot!" I scolded at myself. I'd gotten distracted and forgotten what I was here for. How could I have forgotten?! I opened the door and walked inside anyway. I might as well grab an apple or something. As I made my way, something was wrong. A group of strangers stared at me, oddly. They were all wearing black hoodies, black pants, and black shoes. Everything on them was black. I glared at them. One took a step forward and snarled his teeth. I hesitated and thought, `why just me??`. I looked away from them. Staying still. Just looking down.... Panicking. When I looked back..they were gone. In an attempt to block out the event, I continued with the purpose of why I was out.

A few minutes afterward, I found myself observing an apple. It was a bright red, hardly crimson. It was strange. Why is everything so strange all of a sudden? I walked to the cashier. "An apple? That all Eddie?" she said. "Uh?" I looked up at her "oh! Um... Yeah, that's it. ". It was none other than Surlie Bennett. Yes, she worked at the shop. Most call it the store, but I call it plain old shop. As she took it's price she looked into my eyes and said "Have you been getting sleep? You've got bags under your eyes. ". I could feel myself getting hotter, I knew I was blushing. "Um not much but, yeah... " I answered. She handed me the apple,  and I gave her the money. "Get some more sleep, it'll help you." she said in a caring voice. I walked away slowly and said "I'll try! ".

I was at home now. Still not remembering why I went out. I placed the apple on the counter. I was already making dinner. After that it was the same. I'd wash the dishes, take a shower, then go to bed..... Just the same thing.... Over and over again.
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Comments (9)

I love the story. Like the idea of pens and pencils
Coming to life good job with it!
Oh? Thanks! These days I think about rewriting it, changing a few minor things. Now that I think about it, it wasnt my best effort. But, thanks! I was kinda worried and, embarrassed of it..
Nah don't be haha it was a good story. I have a few stories I'm afraid to post on here haha
on November 26, 2017
on November 26, 2017
on November 26, 2017
This writing style kind of reminds me of the author of Freak the Mighty. I really like this story, btw.
on July 25, 2017
on June 22, 2017
Must haz moar
Yeah, I'm trying to make chapter 3
But the thing died
on January 16, 2017
on January 14, 2017
Nice work! It reminds me of a certain author whose style I like, but I can't think of the name...
on January 13, 2017
on January 13, 2017