A New Killer Is Born

A New Killer Is Born

Ashley Voorhees is the daughter of the well known killer, Jason Voorhees. She is a ten year old girl who is following in her daddy's footsteps to be the next killer in line. As she gets older, her nightmares are getting worse, she's meeting other members in her family, she starts high school and meets the love of her life and also, she's being tracked down by an unknown victim to be killed. Will Ashley have what it takes to be the next killer in line and also to....stay alive?

published on March 19, 20131730 reads 145 readers 114 not completed
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Chapter 44.
Chapter 34: Ashley's Surprise Birthday Party PART 1

Chapter 34: Ashley's Surprise Birthday Party PART 1

I drove all the way home after Uncle J.C.'s feeding. He seemed to be happy now when he crawled back up towards the passenger seat. He sat down and licked his fingers. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Good?", I asked him.
He turned to me and nodded.
"You know we got to clean the van out before Uncle Freddy and Uncle Michael throw a fit."
Uncle J.C. huffed and then, I pulled up towards the path that led the way to home. I smiled and reached up to turn on the radio. This time, Uncle J.C. didn't bother to shut it off. He was in a good mood now since he got fed. "Hey Soul Sister" by Train was playing. This was another favorite song of Glen's and I admit, it was a favorite of mine too. I drove a little faster up the road and I was happy as I entered the garage. I came to a stop and parked the van. I shut the engine off and turned to Uncle J.C. and then looked towards the back. I gasped in shock as I saw nothing left for the three siblings, but bones. Blood decorated throughout the entire back of the van. The van began to smell and I knew for a fact we had to get this cleaned out fast before the blood stained.
"Come on.", I said, grabbing my plate of untouched food, grabbing the keys and getting out. I shut the door and ran quickly up the steps and entered the laundry room. I ran inside the house and headed towards the kitchen. I dropped the van keys on the counter along with my plate. I hurried over towards the sink and looked underneath it to find any car cleaners that would be available to clean the van with. Just as soon as I went to pick up one bottle of cleaner, someone called out my name.
When I heard my name, I accidently bumped my head on the upper part of the sink. I pulled my head out slowly and safely and looked over at Uncle Pinhead who had an amused look on his face.
"You o.k.?", he asked.
"No.", I groaned in annoyance. I rubbed the pained spot on my head and slowly stood up. "Is something wrong?"
Uncle Pinhead starred at me for a minute and then shook his head. "No, but would you please follow me?"
I nodded and slowly followed uncle Pinhead out the kitchen and over towards the living room. When I entered the living room, there was no one in here. I was surprised that Glen and uncle Leatherface wasn't in here playing the XBox. The whole house sounded dead quiet, and I didn't understand that. My house was never this quiet; never.
Uncle Pinhead stood in front of me and held out his hand.
"Take my hand.", he demanded. "We are needed somewhere."
I walked up to him and placed my hand in his. I went to ask where exactly where we were going and before I knew it, darkness surrounded me and I felt myself flying. Wind hit my face and then suddenly, there was light; a red-orange light. The smell of smoke filled my nostrils and that's when I knew where we were. We were in hell. I appeared at the hall, next to the two double doors. Uncle Pinhead stood beside me.
"What's going on?", I asked, wondering why we were here.
"You'll soon out.", Uncle Pinhead replied.
He walked over towards the double doors and opened them. I watched him as he pushed opened the doors and just stood there. I saw how dark it was into the room. I walked over to Uncle Pinhead's side. I took one foot in and before I knew it, the lights flickered on and I heard screaming.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY!", everyone yelled.
I felt my heart skip a beat. I felt my mouth hung open as I saw the whole hell's people here. All of my family was here, and all of my friends.
"Oh my gosh...", I muttered before I was being pulled into hugs.  The first one to hug me was Aunt Tiffany and then Aunt Esther.
"Happy birthday sweet pea!", Aunt Tiffany smiled.
"Happy birthday sweetie.", Aunt Esther said, hugging me after Aunt Tiffany pulled away.
"Thank you both.", I smiled.
I was astonished at how my family and friends decided to throw a surprise birthday party for me in Hell. How did they plan this without me knowing about it, I didn't know, but then I remember Uncle J.C. going out to feed. Uncle J.C. had me spent a whole hour looking for a corn field when there wasn't really one and he knew that! Uncle J.C. was sneaky I now know.
Aunt Tiffany grabbed my arm and lead me through the crowd.
"Birthday girl coming through! Excuse me excuse me!", Aunt Tiffany yelled, pushing past people and leading me over towards a long table on the far side of the room. I saw my father, Mary, May, Uncle Michael, Uncle Freddy, Uncle Hannibal Lector, Uncle Leatherface, Uncle Pennywise, Uncle Chucky, Angelique, Chatterer, The Female, Butterball and my lord, Leviathan.
"Here she is!", Aunt Tiffany yelled out. Everyone looked at me and smiled.
Uncle Leatherface who was leaning against the wall, saw me, jumped over the table and ran over to pick me up in a bone crushing hug. I smiled as he held me in the air and spun me around.
"Thanks uncle.", I giggled.
Uncle Leatherface suddenly sat me back on my feet and then patted my head. I smiled and hugged him.
"Hey asshoe!", I heard Uncle Freddy yell. I pulled away and Uncle Leatheface and I both turned to look.
"You almost knocked the cake off the table when your fat ass jumped over the table! Psh!", Uncle Freddy rolled his eyes and fixed the cake again. He moved the cake into the center and stood back to make sure it was in complete alignment. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to Uncle Leatherface.
"Thank you again Uncle.", I smiled up at him. "I love you."
Uncle Leatherface stroked my hair in response. He took my hand and lead me over towards the table. My dad was the first one to walk over to me and embrace me with a hug.
"Happy seventeenth birthday sweet heart.", my dad said.
I smiled and nuzzled my face in his shoulder. "Thank you."
My dad and I both pulled away after a couple minutes and then Mary came over to hug me and wish me a 'Happy Birthday' as well. I thanked her. I received birthday wishes and hugs from all of my relatives that were at the table, except for Leviathan of course. Leviathan on the other hand, wished me a happy birthday and to meet him in his office in thirty minutes. I agreed to it and watched him walk off.
I looked back at the table again that was decorated in my favorite colors: lime green, pink, blue, purple and yellow. There were streamers, a colorful flowered table cloth. Platters of food scattered across the table along with bottled drinks of some sort and cups. Then, there was my cake. I smiled at the cake. It was a five layered cake and each layer was frosted in each of my favorite colors. The candy decorations around it were flowers and butterflies. On the top layer of the cake was the candle number, 17. Then, circling around the number was seventeen, lime green candle sticks. I smiled as I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. I looked up and saw Uncle Freddy smirking.
"Like your cake?", he asked.
I nodded my head with a smile. "You have no idea how much I love it. It's so beautiful and how did you guys get it to make it look so beautiful like that?"
"We didn't do it." Uncle Freddy replied. "It was Tiffany's idea to go to the Party Supply store and order you a cake instead."
"You guys didn't have to do that, a regular cake would of been fine at least.", I smiled.
"Nonsense kiddo, it's your birthday and we all wanted this birthday party to special for you."
I smiled up at Uncle Freddy and hugged him. "Thanks Uncle Freddy."
He chuckled and returned the hug. We embraced each other for only a minute until uncle Freddy pushed me and looked around the room.
"Alright enough of that lovey dovey shit. You know I love ya kiddo, and oh! Just to warn ya, Glen is going to be throwing you a rock concert. He's going to be singing and if I was you, you might want to find a pair of ear plugs because that kid can't sing for shit.", Uncle Freddy laughed.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Your really supportive aren't you Uncle? You wouldn't be saying that if I went up there to sing with him would ya?"
"Depends, can you sing?"
"You'll soon find that out now won't ya?"
With that said, I turned on my heel and left uncle Freddy dumbfounded. I walked across the dance floor and past the couples that were dancing away to Evanescence song, "My Immortal". I didn't know where I was going, but I felt like I wanted to explore around the room and meet people and see my other relatives whom I ain't seen in a long time. I caught a glimpse of my uncle Hannibal Lector talking to my three other uncles, the cannibals.
One of my cannibal uncles, Three Toe, saw me and waved me over. I smiled and walked over towards the group.
"There's my birthday girl!", uncle Hannibal smiled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in for another hug.
I smiled and responded. After we pulled away, uncle Hannibal rubbed the side of my face and just kept smiling.
"You act like this is the first time you saw me.", I laughed.
"It's the first time seeing you out of this whole year. I never get to see my favorite niece as much. I wanna see her as much as I can.", uncle Hannibal smiled.
I giggled and leaned up on my tippy toes and kissed uncle Hannibal's cheek. I turned from uncle Hannibal and looked at the others. I smiled.
"Do I get a hug niece?", uncle Three Toe asked, extending out his arms.
I giggled and ran into them and hugged him tightly. I felt uncle Preslow and uncle Three Finger come over and embrace me also. All four of us were hugging and it was funny. I nuzzled my face into uncle Three Toe's shirt and inhaled his scent. As always, he smelt of blood and dirt. I didn't know why, but some how I always seemed addicted to that scent. Even my father and uncle Michael smelt like sometimes and I would just cling onto for no longer then five minutes until I felt immune to the smell.
"You have no idea how great it is to see you guys again. I missed you all.", I breathed.
"We missed you too birthday girl.", uncle Three Toe replied, stroking my hair.
We all pulled away and then suddenly, uncle Hannibal held me from behind and holded up a blindfold. I gasped.
"Ashley? All four of us decided to give you this gift. It's waiting for you outside, and I think now would be the best time to give it to you now instead of waiting for after the party.", uncle Hannibal said.
I looked from him and turned to the others who all nodded their heads. I gulped. I didn't like blindfolded surprises, but there was no other way around it.
"O.k.", I breathed.
Uncle Hannibal wrapped the blindfold around my eyes and tied it in the back. Then, I felt his hands press down on my shoulders as he pushed me a little forward.
"Come Ash.", I head uncle Preslow said as I felt him take my hand and guided me slowly to wherever my present was. I heard a door open as I assume it was the double doors. Uncle Preslow continued to guide me and then uncle Hannibal tightened his grip on my shoulders to stop me.
"Wait here Ash.", I heard uncle Preslow said.
I stood in place and felt uncle Hannibal's grip loosen.
"Can I take the blindfold off now?", I asked.
"Not yet Ash.", uncle Hannibal laughed.
Just then, I heard footsteps rushing back over towards me. I began to feel nervous as there was no telling what kind of gift my four cannibal uncles would get me.
"Alright Ash.", I heard uncle Three Toe spoke. "Hold out your hands."
I did as I was told and then I felt something being put into my arms. It was warm, soft, and furry. I felt my heart race trying to find out what this gift could be. I felt the blind fold untie and finally, it was removed from my eyes. I looked down in my arms and gasped in shock.
"Oh my hell!", I gasped as there laying in my arms was a white and gray husky puppy. I looked down at it and saw that it was asleep. It's little eyes were closed and it was breathing kind of heavy. He made whimper noises which must of been it's snoring. I giggled.
"Oh my goodness he's so cute!", I smiled happily. I turned the puppy over to see it's gender. It was a male. I smiled at the little puppy in my arms and slowly rocked it back and forth like a mother would do to her baby. I looked at my uncles who were smiling at me. I felt tears come to my eyes and I walked to each one of them and hugged them.
"Thank you guys so much! He's so cute!", I smiled.
"We kind of figured you would like him, and don't worry about your family, because we talked to them about getting you a puppy and they were fine with it. Well, except for your uncle Freddy, but you know how he is.", uncle Hannibal laughed.
I giggled and looked back down at the puppy in my arms. I ran my finger softly over it's head.
"What your going to call him?", uncle Preslow asked, walking over towards me.
I thought for a moment and smiled. "Jack.", I smiled. "Little Jack."
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Comments (114)

this shit is amazing just needs to have some spelling and grammar fixed
on October 08, 2022
You are, very descriptive
on June 01, 2014
When shes getting buried, it made me remember when I buried my dog last Saturday... :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :(( :((
:(( :((
on May 19, 2017
on May 19, 2017
on May 19, 2017
on May 19, 2017
on May 29, 2014
This is so amazing!
on December 24, 2013
Hi guys! If you love quotes and Percy Jackson, you should really follow Paris64! She is nice and funny and she is a bookworm! If you want to have fun chatting with someone, follow her right away! Her goal is to get 400 followers! Help her! Be loyal! Thanks for reading this! Spread it around Qfeast!
on November 30, 2013
how do you write this much?? I cant read all this!!!
on November 30, 2013
Incredible story. Instead of the humans point of view, we get to see a combination of killers in a family. Really creative imagination. Like. I really like this. Im only on Chapter 7! Is this gonna go on till shes like 21? That would be awesome...
on September 02, 2013
Wow 48 chapters???
on August 20, 2013
@quiz person I think that is a cool idea!!!
on July 18, 2013
Thank u so much guys!!! I'm glad u all enjoyed this story. I promise I will he posting the rest of the story when I get internet back on my computer and again thank u! :)
on July 10, 2013
Love this Steph!!!!! It's great!!!!
on July 10, 2013
on June 17, 2013
there should be a name for the fandom of The New Killer Is Born
on June 15, 2013
haha lol
on June 06, 2013
8=* lol
on May 24, 2013
Princess, sorry, I dont like writing people's names wrong:p
on May 24, 2013
I went to the library the other day, and I was just browsing, then I saw a story, a published book, very similar to Steph's, and seriousley, that guy needs writing lessons from Steph!
And 'princes' Chloe, you need go to MariaJohnson's page, just one bad comment from her, and a whole army of qfeasters just attacked, so I suggest you learn your lesson, because See More▼
on May 24, 2013
this was once again the #1 story of the day! congrats stephanie! suck it PrincessChloe! sorry. i'm crazy. :P
on May 23, 2013
Lol I'm bot worried about chloe she can kiss my azz for all I care Lmao :p and I'm glad u guys like this story :)
on May 23, 2013
and ellabenjamin.
on May 22, 2013
Yeah!!! I saw Chloes profile and grrrr...she JUST like Maria pretty much!! >:(
on May 22, 2013
this is the best story i've ever read. chloe is just jelly becasue she cant write as awesome as Stephanie . stupid chloe. :P
on May 22, 2013
Yeah she does!!! :( stupid haters!!
on May 22, 2013
Well, I guess all haters are the same....:( It's sad, really, to see where this world is heading...:(
on May 22, 2013
Hey, guys! Doesn't PrincessChloe sound like MariaJohnson?
on May 22, 2013
Wow....I read a good portion of this and it sucks...really bad. Jason having a daughter? Really? Have u even saw the movies? Gosh....smfh
Je te hais tellement! Achète-toi une vie. Cette histoire est géniale, alors fermez votre visage!

google translate for a putain de surprise.

Tête de merde
on May 19, 2017
on May 22, 2013
Lol yeah I saw! =D And it's number one on the most popular story category =) Thank you all soo much!!!!! *HUGE HUGS* =D
on May 10, 2013
i just looked at which storys were the stories of the day and this one was number 1!
on May 10, 2013
I just read the chapter about the Dream, :3 LOVED it :3 especially the last bits of it.. XD
on May 09, 2013
I'm so sorry for the hold up, but I have LOTS of school work piled on me, and I need to get my school work done and out the way before I write any more chapters =/ I may not even reach my goal trying to finish writing all of my stories and posting them =( You can thank my teachers for that btw smh -_- But thanks to everyone for reading and making my story number See More▼
on May 08, 2013
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