When Sonic and SpongeBob collide.

When Sonic and SpongeBob collide.

This is going to be good. Just imagine Shadow and SpongeBob in the same room. XD

published on January 19, 201478 reads 20 readers 9 not completed
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Chapter 3.

The Villains are found!

Shadow and I told everyone to wait outside as we entered the building. We entered the building and we could see that the building was very dirty and abandoned, which is the perfect hiding place for Eggman. We walked further in the kitchen and we saw a tiny speck on a tiny machine. The tiny speck was yelling at a machine that looks like a television. We saw Eggman talking with the tiny speck, but could not tell what they were trying to say. Shadow and I both walked into the room while Eggman is staring at us. "What are you two doing here?", Eggman asked as he was brushing his mustache. Shadow and I both said nothing as he stared at us. "Who is these guys"?, said the speck. "I'm Alexis the Hedgebat." "I am Shadow the Hedgehog." I then realized I was sweating. Why was I sweating? I should be used to this. "So why are you two here?" The speck asked. "Who's that?" I asked. "I am Plankton." I stared at him then Eggman. "Why are you working with this sad excuse for a life form?" Shadow asked. "Despite his size, he is almost as smart as me." "Do you need anything?" Shadow asked. "Yes go and fetch these things," Eggman said handing me a list. We walked outside and handed the list to Sandy. "I swear I hate Eggman," Shadow said growling and walking towards the building. I grabbed Shadow by the arms and pulled him back. "Shadow don't-not yet," I said calmly into his ear. He growled and walked back over to everyone. Tails looked at the list carefully with a confused glance. "I don't know any of these things," Tails said. Sandy took a look at the list. "I know were all these things are," She said. We all looked at Tails. "Were in a different dimension. Can you blame me?" Silver and I shook our heads. "Maybe we can find the chaos emeralds?" Knuckles asked. "The chaos emeralds," Julie said smacking her head. "What are chaos emeralds?" SpongeBob asked. "There special emeralds that can turn your thought into power." Silver explained. "They look like giant jewels about the size of my hand," Sonic said. SpongeBob thought for a moment. "Why don't we see if Mr. Krabs has anything like that?" Sandy and SpongeBob both lead us into a giant wooden building.
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Comments (9)

XD yeah that would be a bit too quick though... Where's the action in Shadow beating him up? Literally 1 hit is all he needs XD
on May 21, 2014
on February 25, 2014
We all wanted Shadow to beat up Egghead
on February 12, 2014
Very creative, great job! :D
on February 04, 2014
on January 28, 2014
aw! I wanted shadow to beat up eggy! XD
on January 28, 2014
true dat! XD
on January 20, 2014
SpongeBob+Shadow= end of the world
on January 19, 2014
XD this is gonna be funny i can tell!
on January 19, 2014