Supernatural Help

Supernatural Help

So I watch Supernatural on moviegrape, and for some reason they don't have the episode Fallen Idols from season 5 (the one with Lincoln and Paris Hilton). Can someone summarize it for me, with the ending and any major plot revelation please?

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You can watch it here, if you like.

I don't want to spoil too much for if you do watch it, so I won't say much. Sam and Dean end up in a small town where mysterious deaths have been reported. They seem to be at the hands of famous people, for example one girl was kidnapped by Paris Hilton. They break into this wax museum construction area, and discover Paris Hilton who is actually a Pagan god. It turns See More▼
haha thank you so much. I will watch it, but i skipped over it and am now on episode 11 :P
on June 23, 2015
on June 22, 2015