Kisume's Questions
Kisume asked 27 questions

Something cool I noticed while watching Steven Universe! So I was rewatching Steven U, ...

What are your favorite clothing stores? Just wanted some inspiration x)

What are some good movies to watch? Anything along the lines of, like, mean girls or pi...

Supernatural Help (1) UGH! I am 4 episodes away from finishing season 9 when BAM. Movie...

Supernatural Help So I watch Supernatural on moviegrape, and for some reason they don't...

What do you feed this caterpiller? I found this catrpiller a while back, and it refuses...

What are some good anime's to watch? I've watched Soul Eater, SAO, Fairy Tail, Attack o...

Anyone know some good websites to watch anime on? Preferably something you don't have t...

Emojis! At last! ????☔❄??⛄?????⭐???????????????????????????????????

Which City? Which city do I live in? Guess! Go on, guess!

I Needs Help -_- So, as some of you know, im bi. If you havent, congrats! You learn som...

Does anyone else have a Smule:Sing account? I do! My user is MicrophoneAngel

What should my profile pic be? Should I use the new one I have now or my old one? (Old ...

Riddle For You Guys To Guess! A woman walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. T...

Does anyone else love the rain? It's pouring outside right now, which is very rare here...

What Should I Call My Followers? (4) I just thought Dashys was a little boring. :3

Any volunteers for my new story "Matchmaker"? I am writing a story called "Matchmaker" ...

Another Riddle!!! What invention allows people to walk through walls? First person to g...

More Riddles! Riddle 1: Johnny's mother has three children. The first child is named Ap...