What would you do if your BFF told you she was 'different'?

What would you do if your BFF told you she was 'different'?

Okay, I have been keeping this in but I thought that you all (my friends on Qfeast) should know!

I am bisexual! Please don't judge me! I am trying to come out to parents...

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Answers (2)

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I don't know you but there's no reason for any of us to judge you.So what if your bi?Youre not hurting anyone or doing something bad.Many of my friends are bi,lesbian,and I have one friend who is pan,and they're amazing,they are way better than me.I think it's awesome that you're trying to tell your parents and I hope they understand too. :)
Thank you! You all R so nice! My parents will probably confused but they will understand...I hope!<3
on May 13, 2016
on May 13, 2016
Lots of people are bisexual! It's okay, we all on Qfeast accept you for who you are!
on May 13, 2016