Do You believe In Gay Marriage?

I believe that someone should love who they want without getting arrested or beat up, but I don't believe they should be called married. Lots of people agree with it and I totally understand, but I believe that they shouldn't be called married. God made marriage between, male parts and female parts, so I want to know if you guys agree that they should be called married?

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I do believe in gay marriage. I am not gay, but my best friend is. We are still very close. Before she told me she was gay, she said she hoped it wouldn't ruin our friendship. I was amazed that she thought it would ruin our friendship! No good person should exclude someone else because of that triviality.
on February 09, 2015
Of course they should be married. And the only reason 'god' made marriage between a man and a woman was either because he/she was biased or because at the time women had to be used as baby-making machines to keep the human race going, and homosexuality would have seriously affected the population of humans.
on February 05, 2015
I believe that gender doesn't matter in marriage/love. It's the actual love, not your gender.

And before you ask, genitals do not define gender.
on February 05, 2015
on February 05, 2015