How can I discipline jack?

How can I discipline jack?

My kitten jack often bites and scratches me and my dad and since my dad is insensitive he slaps jack every time he bites! I have tried everything I could find online and my dad is getting to wanting him to be a outside cat but since my dad isn't very bright either he doesn't know it could get jack lost! We have chain fences with wide holes that anything could crawl through and my dads almost at his limit please help me because jack is getting increasingly worse! :((

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Answers (3)

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Don't slap the cat like him, just get him a scratch post, also when cats are hungry they can get upset so a scratch could mean "I'm starving over here" or something but most cats just meow and repetitively (none stop) meow, sometimes he may be a bit scratchey but that might just be him playing.

Also if you have done something to the cat, that he dislikes cats normally get there revenge by jumping at you when you are laying down or something like that.
on September 16, 2015
he's just playing, that's how cats play, just give him some toys and he should be fine, they usually love lazer pointers
on November 14, 2014
Get toys and scratch post :)
Ok I have a old scratching post my other cat used to use but I will give it to him
It'll distract any give other things to do and just don't make him mad
on November 14, 2014
on November 14, 2014
on November 14, 2014