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Latest on Qfeast - Page 2276

Do you watch Disney channel?
Nope. I think it's too childish.
A little. Only when a certain show comes on.
Yeah unless there's another show I want to watch.
Yes! I love Disney channel!
64 votes 16
What your favorite book?
The Hunger G...
Catching Fire
+ 1 more
30 votes 12
which greek goddess are you? (1)
A lot people have this quiz and it's a great idea so I made one. I hope you like it :)
49 responses 14
Songs of Silence
A girl with a harsh past, twins with knowledge of the world, and a young goldylox with a power of spirit, all set out to uncover what they are and why they stay in the asylum. Mysteries about the world of halfers, fai, auras, a...
27 reads 15 readers 8
The Hunger Games or Twilight
Hunger Games
36 votes 6
What print are you?
Are you caring zebra? Smart tiger? Pretty cheetah? Take this quiz to find out what print you are AND what color you would be!!
33 responses 8
Has anybody noticed this?
Sometimes people say they hate haters. That means they are a hater because they hate people. It also means they hate themselves.
8 / 0
Who's better? (4)
Rainbow Dash
Daring Doo
Twilight Sparkle
Derpy Hooves
33 votes 16
A riddle for you to answer!
Ok, three people died. When they came back as spirits they said a girl with glasses and a pony tail killed them. Jonathan said " I was at the football stadium watching West Ham lose to Manchester United 5-0 " Amy said " I was j...
6 / 0
do you know my little pony (1)
do you know all about my little pony if your a brony you will ace this quiz
41 responses 10
Who has the best dress? (Tavi or Vinyl)
Vinyl Scratch(DJPon3
68 votes 11
Does your guy friend like you?
Yes! I can tell completely! The good thing is... I like him back! Yoo-hoo!
Yeah but I just like him as a friend.
No but I like him. I wish he liked me though!
No and I don't care.
1 more
44 votes 7
What do you guys like? I need to know what's most popular for the celebrity page!
Music Update...
Gossip about...
Pictures of ...
News updates...
11 votes 5
Can I make you say "aww"?
I have gathered really cute pictures to see whether I can make you say "aww". If I can then I show you another cute pic! :3
76 responses 25
This Is My Page
I'm making this page for me. You can be a member if you want to it's all up to you!!!
0 subscribers 1 member
Does anyone not dream or dream in black and white?
I've heard that some people dream in black and white or don't dream at all. Does this happen to anyone?
7 / 0
Did you ever had a series of nightmares when you were little?
And if so, what was/were it/they?
6 / 1
What is the worst fashion trend?
What is the worst fashion trend you've witnessed in the last couple of years, in your opinion?
4 / 1
Little Mix (1)
Join if u r a huge Little Mix fan! I am a Little Mixer! <3 Little Mix! <3
0 subscribers 1 member