Women's Rights!
If your a girl then JOIN this page! Girls deserve rights too! Girls are just as strong! Some males don't realize this. LET'S MAKE THEM!
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not tryin' to beat a dead horse, especially after being gone so long but um
Feminism now (in first world countries) is a joke lmfao. They don't even fight for rights. They fight men for the stupidest things. "Manspreading"??? Have you nothing better to do but complain about how a man coughed while he passed you on the street?? Now, woman oppression in the Middle East is where REAL feminism needs to happen, not all this special snowflake bullshit. lmao go complain abt how a man See More accidentally brushed up against you or misgendered you when ur pronouns are xiem/xie/xis, feminism is dead. it's a bunch of women with too much time on their hands that feel like they NEED to be oppressed. go to the Middle East where they strike down women bc they're having a bad day. most feminists are spoiled pricks.
Feminism now (in first world countries) is a joke lmfao. They don't even fight for rights. They fight men for the stupidest things. "Manspreading"??? Have you nothing better to do but complain about how a man coughed while he passed you on the street?? Now, woman oppression in the Middle East is where REAL feminism needs to happen, not all this special snowflake bullshit. lmao go complain abt how a man See More accidentally brushed up against you or misgendered you when ur pronouns are xiem/xie/xis, feminism is dead. it's a bunch of women with too much time on their hands that feel like they NEED to be oppressed. go to the Middle East where they strike down women bc they're having a bad day. most feminists are spoiled pricks.
on July 03, 2017
on July 02, 2017

You feminists make me laugh, a woman is meant to satisfy a mans needs like a pet. Girls are weaker and more delicate

and men like you should be dead lmfao women dont need to please men our body is a temple
on August 27, 2020

on August 23, 2020

And this is where I've lost all motivation to argue back because I have better shit to do and my writer's block is gone.
However, if anyone's still arguing, I'll watch.
However, if anyone's still arguing, I'll watch.
on June 30, 2017
on June 30, 2017

Why are some of you saying men are uncool? I mean, sure, some of us are assholes, but don't stereotype an entire group because of a few bad apples.
alright, this comment is old, but i want to put in my two cents. i totally understand where you're coming from, but let's take a look into me, a woman's view, of saying 'kill all men' or 'men are trash' etc. etc. when i say any of these terms, i think of it like i'm trying to piss off a certain amount of men. when i say kill all men and some incel gets mad at See More me for it, he's the type of audience i'm trying to make mad. obviously, not all men are bad, so when we say 'men' in the above statements, we're talking about THOSE men who are so sensitive about their masculinity being threatened or anything of the sort. i'm purposely trying to make certain men mad by saying these things.
on August 28, 2020

Yup yup. Gender doesn't define me. Though Bash calls me a girl. I love that though lol
on August 02, 2015
on August 02, 2015

Awesome page!Im proud to be a part of this.:D
on August 02, 2015

Gentlemen, this is Proof we came before your existence was ever created, PROOF ^-^

We were all female
TWEET IT - http://clicktotweet.com/36Jk0 Dear Gentlemen, science has a confession. You were once...a female - which helps to explain where your nipples came ...
on April 17, 2015

If you hate women, you're being a hypocrite because 1. A women made you, so you wouldn't be alive if it weren't for women. And 2. In the womb, there is a point that you are female, no matter what gender you turn out to be. You were once female.
on April 17, 2015

Who do you think made men after God did? Girls did. So you can't have men without women.
on April 17, 2015

We are technically half men! WoMEN! So like it should be we can be twice as strong
on April 17, 2015

People don't understand that we deserve equal pay and we shouldn't be the weaker gender it's just wrong.
on March 08, 2015

I'm just saying but women are earning nearly the same as men. EVERYONE has equal rights in the us. Women stay home to be moms because THEY WANT TO. If they didnt after their child is 1-2 years old they can just leave them at a daycare or with a nanny and work. Usually men can't do anything with children so women have to take care if their children. A good mother shouldn't mind to take a break from working for her child
here's the thing, equal rights may be a thing in the U.S., but even then that's not true. just because the law says that women are getting equal pay to men does NOT mean that they're getting as enough pay from smaller businesses that are owned by misogynists. plus, equality amongst women and men and other genders is STILL not a thing in other countries. women See More are still being beat in other countries because they back-talked their husbands or a man and are dying because people won't let them abort their babies, run away from their abusers, etc.
on August 28, 2020

From my experience with my dad, he can't remember to feed me and my brother until 2:00 when we stay at home unless he has to go somewhere. When my brother was a baby my dad couldn't feed my brother (with a bottle). It may be different for different people though
on March 08, 2015

What do you mean 'men can't do anything for their children'? There is a large population of stay at home dads.
on March 08, 2015
on March 07, 2015

It's just the fact that if girls dont exist the world means nothing.
It's just the fact that if girls dont exist the world means nothing.
on January 08, 2015