Girl Talk (1)
Here we will talk about all kinds of girly things. This page is meant for girls only so please, lets keep it that way. Enjoy and feel free to openly talk about anything! If you have questiona, comments, and concerns about anything girl related, were here for you!??

What's ya'lls favorite girly thing to do. (Manicure, go shopping etc) comment below!!!
on July 16, 2015

on June 26, 2015

Please tell me I'm not the only girl who walks around the house not wearing pants ._.
I donut wont 2 b alun
I donut wont 2 b alun
on June 16, 2015

Su I'm telling me crush I like him on le last day o school, is that actually a stupid idea? (I'm doing it anyways :P)

UGH! BOYS ARE JERKS! Yeah, life lesson- Never date in middle school, or else your heart will be stomped on. Over and over. Until it's broken.
on July 22, 2015

Yes dude tell him! I learned that the hard way :( I spent like 2 years liking this guy that I thought liked me, but now hates me. Ugh, he s such a jerk! X-(
on July 21, 2015
on June 08, 2015

on May 27, 2015

I'm 12 and I don't have my period yet. My mom got it when she was 13. I don't want it at all because just the thought of it grosses me out a bit (this is NOT because I'm immature; it's because I have anxiety so DON'T JUDGE ME) and I'm scared to get it. So according to people I've asked so far, you get horrible cramps, it feels like you've wet your pants, and it is uncomfortable. I don't know how I'll know when I have it. I mean, I think I've had discharge, and I had a cramp. But See More when I get it, will I just be walking around, and then all of a sudden I'll hurt really bad? Or will I start having cramps which will turn to major cramps and then I'll check my underwear and notice that I have it? Will it be sudden, or will I get more warning signs?

You will get warnings. It isn't as bad as you think. The cramps hurt, but it doesn't hurt that bad. Just a cramp in your hip or something.
on July 21, 2015

K, so I actually don't have my period yet. But I just wanna say my mom got hers at 13, as well but I'm 14 and havnt had mine. The best thing is to not think about it as much(trust me, I know that can be hard lol) but that's probably best
on June 03, 2015

Don't worry it's actually not bad, a little annoying at times but even the worst cramp probably won't just jolt you with pain suddenly. You'll be fine don't worry ^_^
on June 03, 2015
on May 26, 2015

K, so I don't have my period and everyone says it sucks. I want it cause I'm 14 and all my friends have it, its seriously embarsssing. Does it really suck that bad? Idk

Yes, it does suck. It's nice to get it so you can be more mature, but it is also annoying at times
on July 21, 2015

uh, well, for the first time I had it I didn't notice so, I dont think its that much of deal
on May 26, 2015

I don't understand what's so bad about it. It's not that bad if you just don't stress about it.
on May 26, 2015
on May 26, 2015

Hi!!! :D :) ;) :p :D
on May 26, 2015

I don't have enough iron in my body.
on May 26, 2015

So I'm, like, a girl. And I, like, don't know what to say. .-. K this is awkward.
on May 26, 2015