Fun Warrior Fact #10: Firestar's mother, Nutmeg, once had a dream one of her kits with a flame colored pelt was standing on top of a giant rock in the forest. Could this be a vision of Firestar on top of the Great Rock at a Gathering???

on July 17, 2013

They are from the warriors app. I am not surprised.
on July 17, 2013

I knew those two!
on July 16, 2013

Fun Warrior Fact 11#: Scourge hated the dog teeth in his collar, they made it hard for him to swallow and smelled horribly but he had to pay that price to look more fierce
on July 15, 2013
on July 08, 2013

Feathermist! I have an urgent request to make of you! WindClan's nursery is plagued with greencough. Two of our kits are very sick and will die but all the catmint in our territory has vanished! The other clans won't give us any herbs because they think we're lying and that it's impossible for greencough to only appear in a nursery. Please, can SkyClan spare WindClan some catmint? Falconstar said it was okay to ask you.
-Firestorm of WindClan
-Firestorm of WindClan

Oh my StarClan! Of course! I will see to the sick kits right now! There must be hope! I promise to heal your kits as soon as possible!
on July 15, 2013
on July 08, 2013

Fun Warrior Cat #8: Tigerstar's original warrior name was going to be Hammerclaw in the Into the Wild draft, but it was changed because cats don't know what hammers are!

Hahah no it's ok I already read Firestar's Quest a couple of years ago so I knew that happened. I'm just re-reading it
on July 07, 2013

Fun Warrior Fact #9 Sharpclaw's original name was Scratch, only he and Hutch didn't get warrior names starting with their real names in 'Firestar's Quest'
on July 05, 2013
on July 04, 2013

Albino tiger=Awesome
Albino tiger=Awesome

on July 03, 2013

Tallstar's Revenge was released today!! I bought the book and I'm happy to say what I've read so far is very good! But I won't give anything away ;) Read the book if you want to know!!

Aw foxdung, I'm behind in the books. I'm waiting on my order of fire and ice, iv been waiting for a good 3 weeks now.
on August 02, 2013
on July 03, 2013

Fun Warrior Fact #7: Rowanclaw was only made Tawnypelt's mate because his gender was confused so many times as a female and the Erin Hunters felt bad for him!
on July 01, 2013

Here's the second one

Dick Figures - Panda Hat (Ep #2)
Check out the Oliver Age 24 Drawing Contest - http://vid.io/xlD Play the Beta version of "Happy Tree Friends Run & Bun" now and help us work out all the lump...
on June 30, 2013

Can You Guess My Real First Name?
My username is molly1 but can anyone guess my actual first name? This is just for fun everyone! Good luck :D
My username is molly1 but can anyone guess my actual first name? This is just for fun everyone! Good luck :D
on June 29, 2013

ThunderClan be warned!! Try to invade WindClan territory again ans we'll shred you even more thAn we did last sunrise! These are Falconstar's words!
-Firestorm of WindClan
-Firestorm of WindClan
on June 29, 2013

So funny!!! These episodes are hilarious
So funny!!! These episodes are hilarious

Dick Figures - A Bee or Something (Ep #1)
Check out the Oliver Age 24 Drawing Contest - http://vid.io/xlD Play the Beta version of "Happy Tree Friends Run & Bun" now and help us work out all the lump...
on August 18, 2013
on August 17, 2013
on June 28, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What Rank Are You In A Wolf Pack?
on June 28, 2013

Fun Warrior Fact #5: Firestar shares a father with Scourge, Ruby, and Socks! That means Firestar's half brother was Scourge!

Oh yeah they said that in Crookedstar's Promise! Good thing Mapleshade's kin didn't become RiverClan's leader!
on June 29, 2013

I knew that!
Fun Warrior Fact #6: Mapleshade's kits would have become Clan leaders if Crookedstar wasn't born!
Fun Warrior Fact #6: Mapleshade's kits would have become Clan leaders if Crookedstar wasn't born!
on June 29, 2013
on June 28, 2013

Try and guess my real name!
My username is Molly1 but can anyone guess my real first name? This is just for fun everybody. Good luck!!
My username is Molly1 but can anyone guess my real first name? This is just for fun everybody. Good luck!!
on June 27, 2013