does anyone ever wanna turn back time to get their old friends from here back…?
on November 09, 2021

I miss her so much T^T
on February 19, 2021

This account will be inactive forever uwu thank you all to those who made me feel better but I have to move on, have a nice life uwu
on October 24, 2020

sorry guys- I died for a bit-

on October 22, 2020
on October 12, 2020

Oof TwT

Hades ain't evil tho... It's like, I specialise in Greek Mythology and people are just like "Oh, Lord Of The Dead! Poof, He's Evil!".
on October 12, 2020
on October 09, 2020

My birthday is in 5 days...sucks if I can't spend it with you guys...
on October 09, 2020

I love you all..
on October 09, 2020

btw, my "mom" might make me get off of here, she hasn't seen anything but she doesnt like that im online at all......

My mom doesn't approve either, so I pretend to be doing schoolwork but in reality doing this LOL
on October 12, 2020
on October 09, 2020

and my "mom" ruined my day again...great.
on October 09, 2020

My "mom" is home so I might be on and off-
on October 09, 2020

https://voca.ro/15a6dmFj4kdo Halloween!
Vocaroo | Online voice recorder
Vocaroo is a quick and easy way to share voice messages over the interwebs.
on October 09, 2020