JeweledOwl812's Starred Questions - Page 3

JeweledOwl812 has 47 starred questions
Why do people like Justin Bieber?
I just HATE him! He's already been in trial for many things!
20 / 30
What are you afraid of?
21 / 0
Have you read The Giver?
I read The Giver a few days ago and I really liked it. So, I'm wondering if anyone else read it?
6 / 0
Qfeast fans: What features would you like to see added next?
We can make Qfeast better than everything else!
291 / 1030
Can best friends become more than friends?
Help, I need some friendship advice!
Okay, so I have this friend who can be AWESOME, but at other times she's just really mean. It's like there's two different sides to her! When she's nice, she's super cool and we get along well, but she can be mean and it just m...
9 / 4 profile question
What are good (and funny) smiley faces?
Smleys are funny, (^(oo)^) is a pig!
6 / 0