on September 13, 2022

Goofy_giraffe added a new chapter to The book of my theorys

Peacocks might be stronger than we think.
❧The reason I came up with this:
❧the tail feathers must be really heavy for the peacocks to carry but they manage it anyway!
❧my hypothesis:
❧My hypothesis is that peacocks can carry really heavy things with just their legs!
❧Why I still believe this:
❧whenever you see male peacocks, they seem so strong!
❧Ways to prove this:
❧pay close attention to the peacocks and what they do. Read Full Chapter
❧the tail feathers must be really heavy for the peacocks to carry but they manage it anyway!
❧my hypothesis:
❧My hypothesis is that peacocks can carry really heavy things with just their legs!
❧Why I still believe this:
❧whenever you see male peacocks, they seem so strong!
❧Ways to prove this:
❧pay close attention to the peacocks and what they do. Read Full Chapter
on June 15, 2022

Goofy_giraffe added a new chapter to The cutest cat breeds
The grand totals:
even though they're all 100%, I need to choose for myself to see which is the best. (though, they're all pretty good.)
1st: Bengal cats
2nd: Siberian cats
3rd: Cymric cats
4th: Ragamuffin cats
5th: Munchkin cats
6th: Ragdoll cats
7th: Main coon cats
8th:British shorthair cats
9th: british longhair cats
10th: turkish angora cats
11th: Scottish fold cats
12th: American Bobtail cats Read Full Chapter
1st: Bengal cats
2nd: Siberian cats
3rd: Cymric cats
4th: Ragamuffin cats
5th: Munchkin cats
6th: Ragdoll cats
7th: Main coon cats
8th:British shorthair cats
9th: british longhair cats
10th: turkish angora cats
11th: Scottish fold cats
12th: American Bobtail cats Read Full Chapter
on May 08, 2022

Goofy_giraffe added a new chapter to The book of my theorys
Plants might be shy.
☀The reason I came up with this:
☀You never see plants grow when you look at them but in the next day, the plants grow.
☀My hypothesis:
☀My hypothesis is that plants might be shy to grow in front of people so they grow during the night.
☀Why I still believe this:
☀I watched my strawberry plant for, 10 minutes or so and it STILL didn't grow!
☀Ways to prove/avoid this:
☀Put a camera around it all day long. It has to grow sometimes! Read Full Chapter
☀You never see plants grow when you look at them but in the next day, the plants grow.
☀My hypothesis:
☀My hypothesis is that plants might be shy to grow in front of people so they grow during the night.
☀Why I still believe this:
☀I watched my strawberry plant for, 10 minutes or so and it STILL didn't grow!
☀Ways to prove/avoid this:
☀Put a camera around it all day long. It has to grow sometimes! Read Full Chapter
on May 08, 2022

on May 07, 2022