About theplaidunicorn

  • Greetings, person of the internet. Welcome to my humble page.

    I've had an account on Qfeast for a while, although I haven't really been active the whole time. When I started out, I wrote a lot of stories and made a lot of quizzes. I've deleted most of the quizzes because they were a bit too silly, but I've kept most of my stories. They are all really goofy stories about Voldemort, and you may find them entertaining. Every once and a while I'll write another.
    I want to write some other stories but I don't know what they should be about yet. "By Horn and Wing" is one of them. Feel free to check it out.

    Lately, my activity on Qfeast has come down to me just posting random thoughts and occurrences in my day (hopefully some of you find it entertaining), but I've got some quizzes and stories in progress too.

    So who am I?
    First, I gotta say I am super into memes. I am a horse person (I've taken lessons almost 8 years and I ride English, but I'm not very competitive) and I enjoy reading, writing, graphic design, drawing, and doing other artsy things. I also play viola pretty well. I hope to write some horse-related stories on here (except y'all gotta read 'em).
    I'm generally a fairly quiet and awkward person. I'm also a nerd and I like memes. The music I enjoy most is electro/dubstep related (there's so many specific smaller categories, hopefully that description covers them). Currently my favorite artists are The Glitch Mob, deadmau5, Pryda, Big Gigantic, and Mord Fustang.
    What shows do I like? The Office and stuff by Tim and Eric.
    I don't have any friends on here (like I said, I go on and off with being active, also I'm really quiet) but I'd be up for a chat anytime :)

    That's all for now, feel free to take a look around my page.
  • Joined Qfeast on September 07, 2013