Fighting home

(third book in my series) Brooke keeps seeing a boy in dreams and needs to find him. But her own world keeps seeing her

published on March 06, 20157 reads 4 readers 0 not completed
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Fighting home
Chapter 4.

Fighting with Sly

Finally, there was another fight. She needed to get the dreams off her mind. Because Slycat had joined, he was supposed to think up the plan. As they started fighting, Brooke couldn't find Slycat, but she figured he was out of her sight. Suddenly she remembered that Armin, Slycat, and herself had made a deal to watch out for one another. Brooke then looked behind her to see a titan. Her heart began beating faster as she started fearing for her life.
Brooke went to grab her sword but she had dropped it, so she used her grappling hook to get away. The hook soared into the air and was about to catch on a roof, but it missed.
She fell right to the ground, cutting herself and scratching up her clothes. She was hurt so much that she thought she would die right there. Brooke thought to herself, "No, I can't die... I can't - not here, not now." She forced herself up and pain shot through her legs. Scrunching her eyes shut, Brooke sucked in a giant breath and mentally counted to three. When she finished counting, she bit her lip and put all her effort into standing up.
By the time Brooke managed to stand, tears were streaming down her face and a searing pain was bolting up and down her sore muscles. She breathed out, a long, steady breath, and took a painful step forward. When she realized that she was still standing, she held her breath and managed to limp for another few feet. Her tender limbs gradually warmed up to walking, and by the time she neared two shadowy figures, Brooke was jogging.
The blurry people in the distance focused, and Brooke was able to hone in on their faces. She realized that the two figures were Gabby and Jean. As she looked around, she saw Lauren in her titan form. Brooke stayed there, since the jogging had tired her out, and caused her arms and legs to act up and start aching.
Gabby ran up to Brooke. "What happened to you?" she asked, a look of concern on her face."I fell," Brooke replied. They stayed there, hoping they were safe. Then Jean suddenly shouted,"Look out!" It was another titan. It hit the roof, knocking them all off. Brooke tried to save herself, but her grappling hook failed her again. She fell on the ground once more. So much pain filled her body that she could barely breathe; each breath was like trying to suck in daggers. She looked at her chest and saw that her shirt was shredded, and parts of her body were glistening red with blood. She could only think, "I'll die right here, I have no chance to live and I just found Lauren." She saw, out of the corner of her eye, a titan approach her. Suddenly, another came and slapped the other titan so hard it killed it. She could see it wasn't Lauren, Eren, or another titan shifter she had seen before. Her eyes started to grow dim and she breathed what she thought was her last breath. Then she blacked out.
During Brooke's period of unconsciousness, she drifted in and out of dreamy visions.Fleeting thoughts of death darted in and out of her mind, along with images of her friends. Brooke also wondered what exactly happened when death comes - would she be viewing these dream-like visions, or would her mind be blank? She had the vague impression that her body was healing, slowly, so Brooke knew she was likely still alive. It was hard for her to think about anything; her brain ached and her body was slightly sore. But uneasiness kept flitting into her thoughts, and she somehow felt that her body wasn't healed enough to bear the weight of consciousness.
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