Why am I here?!

Why am I here?!

Kaitly is just moving to America from France. It is also her first year in high school. With her parents being out a lot and her older brother being boring, she has to try and make friends. Does it go as she planned, or will it go terribly?

published on December 27, 201534 reads 10 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 5.
Study help

Study help

It's November 18th and all I have been doing is studying. Some of the biggest test of the year are going to come up and I plan to pass them! I hear a knock on my bedroom door, it's my brother.
        "Sister, I need you help."He seems nervous to tell me. Did he finally get a girlfriend and needs help? What am I thinking, low chance of that. "I need help studying."
It's also this time of year.
        "Yah, yah. I'll help clean your room then I'll quiz you or something." My, dumb, brother has test also and he asks my for my assistance to help him, barely, pass these tests. Ever since we were little when a big test comes up he asks for my help. One day I'll remind him who's older... HIM!!! Only by one year, so I'll give him a break. After a few minuets he comes back and we go to his room. It smells of a man cave. First is math, then science, History, etc. After a few hours he starts getting tired and complains. "Do you want to pass 7th grade!!" I retort to his whining.
        "How do you remember all this?" I can't believe he says that. This is simple stuff!
        "Maybe if you paid attention to academics and not drawing you would remember." Sure he is really talented in art, but he never pays attention in class. There are only doodles in his notebook. We keep on going until the sun goes down and I start to get tired. My eyes drift off and I go to sleep.
                                                (Brother's POV)
        "Ah, you fell asleep on me." I can't believe it. Did I work her to the bone? Seems like I have to carry her back, it's the least I could do. I start to carry her to her room when she starts talking.
        "B-B-Brother you'll never g-get into a g-good...school." Is she sleep talking? She worried about my grades, after all the harsh teaching I wondered if it as fun for her to make me suffer. Oh! I'm at her room. It's really hard to open the door, I might drop her. O.K I got it open. Now to put her on the bed. She's on, now blanket and done!
        "B-B-Brother study h-h-hard." She's talking again. It's a little creepy, I might as well respond.
        "I will, don't worry." I pat her head and leave. I will leave no trace that I was hear. "It's time to go to sleep myself." I say to the wall. Now I'm going crazy. I head to my room and go to sleep waiting for the test sister prepared me for.
                                                   (Kaitly POV)
Oh...I'm in my room...
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Comments (2)

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!! ?????????????❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
on June 04, 2020
This starting to get tense.
on January 09, 2016