Me and My Sister (1)

This story will contain true stories about me and my sister. And I know that "it could be worse" and that "there are other people suffering in the world," and I wish that wasn't true, but I can't be happy and carefree all the time: I need to get my feelings out. By the way, I won't share her real name in the story - I'll just call her Phoebe. NOTE: No matter what I say in here, I kind of sometimes still love her.

published on December 02, 201536 reads 9 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.


Phoebe is mean, but as you can probably tell, I'm not an angel, either. Here's a flashback to when I was four and she was two:

I wanted to play a game with her, so I said, "Hey Phoebe, lets play a game where I am a famous supermodel and you are my servant, and I go out to a runway show and I tell you to boil the water for my soup while I'm gone, but when I come back, you haven't made the soup yet, so I get so mad I push you down the stairs. Do you want to play that?"
Phoebe said no, she didn't want to play. My mom decided to intervene - "Honey, pushing your sister down the stairs isn't nice."
I changed it. "Fine. I get so mad I yell so loud you have to cover your ears."
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