Holiday [Izaya x Violet/Everyone Else?]

Holiday [Izaya x Violet/Everyone Else?]

(Alternate Title: Izaya Needs To Not Or She'll Take Back The Care Package And Give Him That Hat Shaped Like A Butt Instead) Izaya really needs to stop trying to learn everything about her. That family of hers is completely insane. Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of fighting, possible mental breakdown, Izaya being Izaya

published on December 14, 201720 reads 4 readers 1 completed
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Chapter 5.
His Warmth (What An Asshat)

His Warmth (What An Asshat)

        Violet curled up in a ball under her blanket and began to shiver. The heater seemed to have broken sometime during the mad rush to get everybody situated in a place to sleep for the night, and though her body temperature was higher than a normal person’s, Shinjuku got very cold at night. She cursed and turned over. “Could start a fire...but it’d backfire on me pretty fast. Haha.” She heard another laugh from behind her, one filled with mirth, and she knew it was Izaya from that alone. “Yo…”

        “Yo,” he returned, and flopped down on the bed next to her. “Tonight was lovely, wouldn’t you say~? I have to have very interesting relatives.” He seemed genuinely pleased with how things were going; Violet prided herself on being one of the few who could actually tell whether or not he was putting up a front at any given time. “It’s not every day I get to meet the progenitors of one of my favorite people…”

        “Not every day I get to have a heart-to-heart with my sister. Or see the people who raised me. I’m not sure if this was a net good thing, though…”

        A grunt escaped her when she felt the man’s weight on top of her, and warm breath at her ear. Why was he so cuddly?! “Don’t be silly, Mura-chan! You managed to get up the courage to confront those you were afraid would detest you, and you didn’t even try to proclaim your innocence...though I doubt you meant to kill that girl, if it was your fault at all.”

        “...go to sleep, Izaya. Right there. You’re warm.”

        “’re such a funny girl...but I’ll humor you. We’ll talk more in the morning, nee?”

        “Goodnight, asshat.”

        “Goodnight, my love~”
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Comments (1)

How cute~
on December 14, 2017