A very strange dream

A while ago, I had a very strange dream. It was quite funny so I thought, why not put it on Q feast?

published on August 31, 201461 reads 17 readers 4 completed
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Chapter 3.

The next day.

The next day, me and Emily went to school again. Or rather, to the place school had been. The thieves had stolen five things.

The five things were:
A mattress
A fluffy toy
The school.

By now Emily and me were not wearing pink tutus. So we could go on a spy missions. Then we got out our spy gadgets. Mine was a blue toothpaste tube. From a (very) short range it could squirt blue toothpaste into the eye of the enemy, blinding them for a day or so. (Or however long it took them to wash it off)

Emily's gadget was a gun that shot out fly swatters when you pressed a button. It had proved itself very useful many times. (Against flys.)
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Comments (4)

Ha. What would robbers steal at a school any way?
on April 15, 2015
You call that an adventure! You should read the story PJlover101 is writing. It's so much better! But thx, you gave me an inspation for my story. Thx! BTW, MockingjayDistrict is right, you should totes ride the Dragon. Make a seqel!
on January 05, 2015
OMG that was hilarious! You should ride on the Dragon with Emily and find the thieves' lair. The rest is up to you!
That's a great idea.
on September 23, 2014
on September 01, 2014