spirit of the wolves 2

story of love, honesty, betrayel, determination, courage. Any wolf can make a difference.Misty goes on adventures.Some parts of the story is intense!

published on May 27, 201618 reads 4 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

The dreams of Misty

"Mist, daughter." "mother!" Misty ran up to her.Misty fell right through her."Mist, I died." Misty started crying.Moon started to sing Stand In the Light By:Jordan Smith.Misty started to listen.Shadow was standing beside Moon.Their wings were fluttering. Other spirits were appearing too.Misty stood up. She started to sing too.Misty somehow knew the song.Her black mane was blowing.(her black hair above her eyes) The song ended.
"Mist, you will have great power. You will grow your wings but, they will hurt.Great Danger is also awaking.Your wings will come first. Then your gift.You will learn mysterious things.Fight for love. not anger.Watch over your siblings.Always have courage and be brave.Make choices based on love and determination.Do not trust everyone." They all faded away.Misty woke up panting.She looked up at the night sky.Misty howled."I'm ready for everything."
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