Dragon War [not finished]

Dragon War [not finished]

Ryia, Cristiana, Margaret, Peter, Leonardo, Evelyn, and Frederick are seven children who live in medieval times. They're best friends and never let anything get between them. But when a dragon threatens their town and everyone panics, the friends have a secret meeting. As it turns out, one of them knows someone who might just NOTE: MerTaylor helped me write this! She writes all chapters from the POV of Evelyn, Leonardo, and Cristiana! We work together on the ones with Ryia in them.

published on April 29, 201538 reads 2 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Cinder Cliffs: Evelyn


As I walk along the stony path along the creek just outside of town, I play my favorite tune on the flute. With my lyra hung over my back, I feel at home. Nothing can bring comfort like music.
Still playing the tune, I step into the creek. It’s early spring, and the frigid water feels nice.
I’d heard of some royalty who took baths in icy cold water to make themselves look young and beautiful. I’d try it, but I don’t want to stop playing.
Instead, I wade upstream until I reach a small waterfall. It rushes down from a rock ledge about six or seven hands above me. There’s a rock ledge jutting out from the waterfall. I put my flute in its protective case and hoist myself up.
I’m now soaked from head to toe. I guess I got that bath after all! I reach out to grab something to keep myself from falling, but everything’s slippery.
My hand fumbles through the water itself and grabs onto a metal handle. It’s slick with algae, but I manage to grip it firmly and hold on.
I take a deep breath and dive into the water to inspect the metal handle. I can’t determine the material. I pull on it, and it pulls up some of the algae-covered pebbles around it. I scrape some away to see a sturdy wooden board.
I go up for air. A trap-door! Someone hid a trap-door in the waterfall!
I dive back down. I scrape away the rest of the rocks and try to pull up the trap-door.
I come up for air and sigh. Oh well. I’ll get into it eventually.
I see someone falling from Cinder Cliff not far away.
I ride the waterfall down and run over to the cliff. Margaret catches a bag, but I can’t see what’s in it. She hands it off to someone else.
I watch as that person dumps the contents of the bag in the waterfall. I hear a strange hissing, roaring sound and it takes me a moment to realize that it’s a cat.
My hands fly to my face. Who could be so cruel?!
I turn to see Ryia lying on top of Peter at the bottom of the cliff. Was she the one falling?
I run towards them to tell them what I saw.
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