A cold love story

Yoki loves her senpai but obviously somebody else does too, oka. Oka is not he same level as yoki and is also killing for senpai. It's turned to war between the girls neither can live while the other survives.

published on March 09, 201814 reads 5 readers 0 completed
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A cold love story
Chapter 6.


I clutched my sharpest knife in my hand as I entered the house it's floor boards creeked with every step.

"You came", oka said her voice echoing

"I saw you with senpai your a fake.", I said.

"Ready to fight whenever you are", she Said.

I lunged at her my knife at the ready she blocked it with her sword. I already had a large cut on my leg and we fought for hours both at the Same skill level as the other.

"Only one can survive", I said.

"That's going to be me", oka said and she came at me so fast I didn't have time fm block it.

I fell to the ground and pretended to be knocked out.

"Who's getting love now", oka said.

"Im going to kill you", she said.

I heard her step away and I opened my eyes and plunged my knife into her neck and ran like hell away from there.

That's the story of how I got my boyfriend.
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