C.Y.O.A hp year 1

C.Y.O.A hp year 1

Your first year at hogwarts! It's a choose our own adventure. What you do is your choose.

published on May 12, 2018completed

Part 3

You walked away not wanting to talk to total strangers. You found the candy shop and stocked up on candy, yum.

The little time you had left at home was special you did a lot of fun things with your family and friends. At last it was time to go to Hogwarts. You said goodbye to your family and boarded the train.

Sit in a random compartment- part 4

Sit with the weasleys- part 7

Sit with people who look like first years- part 6
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Comments (2)

I wrote choose instead of choice again lol
About Author
on May 12, 2018
I’m working on part 2 right now
About Author
on May 12, 2018