Legend Chickens Book 1: The Dance of Dagi

The Chicken Territory is being invaded by Cana's enemies, the guinea hens and the Legend Chickens have to fight them off. The hens think approaching the guineas with friendship is the best idea, but Sonata thinks otherwise. Read if your confused about all of the "LC" things I've made.

published on July 20, 201512 reads 4 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.


     Cana stared into a pool of water, and thought about her childhood. How her and her sister used to talk about their goals. "One day, I want to play a lyre and be a princess!" Young Cana said.  Her sister replied " I want to be a scientist and then RIP ALL OF THE ORGANS OUT OF BARNEY THE DINOSAUR! Ok, so her twin wasn't exactly that nice. Young Cana and her sister than laid down in the grass and stared at the sky.
    A flashback from second grade. Cana was announcing about the election for new princess of the kingdom. She had won and was leaving GoldenQuill Elementary. She remembered how the two chicks moved to the south, in a beautiful tree. Later, the sister moved to a village.
    Finally, Cana remembered how her sister found the wigi board. She walked.into the forest, her sis by her side. Her sister picked up a note by a wooden spirit board. It said "ask me". All Cana remembered from then was a bunch of lights and her sister leaving into the darkness.
   Cana snapped out of the flashback to the sounds of war. There was screaming, clucking, and "Hiyahs and Yips from the swordfighters. She looked outside as Sonata and a guinea swordsman fought. She stared at them for a while and then started watching Airhorn and another guinea kung fu fight. She was interrupted by Dagi's voice. "Sonata!"
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