High school nightmare

High school nightmare

bella Acqua is a 15 year old trying to survive- abusive brother, father ran away, mom to focused on her show, Aspergers, and everyone hates her, and a new high school now. Until the most popular guy ends up helping her in her new school. Maybe there is a light?

published on September 11, 201673 reads 20 readers 4 not completed
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Chapter 5.

Makeup is full of shit and rammed by a skateboard

So I woke up to the face of ugly and a black eye- wait that's just me in general. ;)

I put a patch over it and headed out. And got hit by a skateboard.

We both fell over, and she yelled. "Hey! What's the big idea!?" She yelled as we both got up. "S-sorry. I.."

"Oh. You. Hello! I'm Shakira, nice meetin ya!" She smiled. I nodded, smiling a bit. "B-Bella." I replied.

"Hey! Bella! Need a lift?" Alex walked out of his house dangling car keys in the air. "W-wait, seriously?" I realized.

The only car there was a fire engine red 458. I sighed, getting in the car after he nodded. Shakira was gone before I knew it, so I was helpless.

"So, let's start with what happened with your eye?" He asked once he started the car. I scrambled to make sure the bandage was on. "N-nothing." I replied, sighing in relief it was on. He gave me an extremely concerned look, raising his eyebrows. "You're scaring me. Here, let me take a l-"
"I said it was ok!" I snapped at him. He raised his hands in surrender, and started driving the rest of the way.

In complete silence.

(Hey! Sorry this chapter is short. I'm kinda sick and inspiration went out the window. I'm also kinda tired so.. ^_^ Hope you guys enjoy, because I know the next chapter is gonna be kinda long. Trust me. I'm about to do it right now =P )
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Comments (4)

hey i really like ur story keep up the good work
on May 09, 2017
Best. Story. Ever
Thanks! ^_^
Can you put a character in there for me? You don't have to.
Just put the average rp form x3
@Rebel_Assasin ???
on September 12, 2016
on September 11, 2016
on September 11, 2016