The Stones

The Stones

When a creepy new family moves into the house next the street, this girl's bravery is put to the test.

published on October 04, 201620 reads 6 readers 1 completed
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Chapter 5.
The disappearance

The disappearance

Power was restored within the house as I made contact with Mother in the living room.

“What is the matter?” Mother asked, as I panted in her embrace.

Father had been bringing in the luggage and left the door open. In the street outside, I saw Mrs. Stone stare at me coldly. She stood a few feet from the street light, with folded arms. I tapped Mother lightly. Mother turned towards my stare but Mrs. Stone was gone.
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Comments (1)

Cliff hanger Hope there's going to be more!
on October 08, 2016