Forest x Athena

Forest x Athena

When Forest and Athena spends more time together, they learn more and more about eachother throughout the chapters.

published on January 17, 202111 reads 5 readers 4 completed
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Chapter 3.

Forest saves Crystal Drowned

Forest and Athena were helping Webkinz and the others with electricity back at Pup Stars.

"Be careful guys." RockLeeHusband said. "touch the wrong part and you will get a electric shock."

"Don't worry." Crystal Drowned said. "we got this lamp fixed, somebody plug this lamp in."

As soon as Webkinz plugged the lamp in, Crystal Drowned got an electric shocked!

"Crystal Drowned." Athena yelped. "she's on the floor! Somebody do something!"

"I know what to do!" Forest said. "everybody step back."

When everybody got out of the way, Forest ran out the doggy door then barked. He didn't stop barking until a few people came to see what was wrong. When Forest led them to Pup Stars they saw Crystal Drowned laying on the floor, unconscious.

"Somebody call 9-1-1!" A young women yelled.

A middle-aged man brought his phone out and called the ambulance. When the ambulance came they picked Crystal Drowned up, set her on a hospital bed then they lifted her up inside the ambulance. They had to put a breathing mask on her, and check her pulse every twenty minutes by the time the ambulance reached the hospital. But then a miracle happen, Crystal Drowned woke up! She looked around the hospital confused, she saw Webkinz, Forest, Athena, Bluethequizwhiz, and RockLeeHusband near the door.

"Hi, guys." She said kind of weak

As soon as they looked up they all ran to Crystal Drowned cheering and jumping pf joy.

"What happen?" Crystal Drowned asked.

"You had a electric shock." Webkinz replied. "Forest saved you by barking for help until a few people arrived."

"You are such a good boy, Forest." Crystal Drowned said, petting him. "you have grown into a teenage hero."

"It was no big deal." Forest said smiling. "how long will you be here?"

"Until the doctors come." Crystal Drowned replied.

"Well, we will tell them you survived." RockLeeHusband said. "so you can come back to Pup Stars with us."

As soon as he took off, Forest couldn't help but smile again. He has saved a humans life, just with a few barks for help.
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Comments (4)

on January 18, 2021
GOD DAMN forest is a player
Forest: I learned my mistake. Athena is the only one for me
on January 17, 2021
on January 17, 2021
forest is so dapper
on January 17, 2021