Sun and Moon: Crummy Potato Version

Sun and Moon: Crummy Potato Version

Northern Narnia and Southern Narnia are best friends who always get along...Or so they thought. After a disagreement they soon find themselves waging war on each other to become seperate countries. They want independence wether it's by signing a paper or killing the other.

published on January 20, 20176 reads 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.
The Breaking Point

The Breaking Point

Alex was sitting in the library repeatedly stabbing a book with her hatchet pretending it was Skylar's face. She heard the doorbell ring and threw the book on the ground and went to answer it. She opened the front door to see Neverland standing there holding a suitcase. He ran up to Alex and hugged her tightly almost knocking the breath out of her. Alex just stood there and didn't hug back, still pissed off. Neverland paid no mind and asked, "Where is South I want to give her a hug too!". This made Alex pull the most disgusted face in history. "I don't fücking know or care where that bitch is, she could be dead for all I care!", Alex snapped stabbing the wall with her hatchet.
Skylar came from around the corner and crossed her arms and glared at the white haired girl with more hatred than Romano had for Germany. "Shut the fúck up bitch I don't need you saying shit about me like I don't fücking live here too!", Skylar yelled shoving Alex roughly against the wall. Alex winced in pain and pulled her hatchet out of the wall growling. Alex threw the hatchet at Skylar's head but she ducked and the hatchet stuck in the wall behind her mere millimeters away from Neverland's face. Neverland stood there with a shocked expression and Alex looked like she regretted it greatly, that is until Skylar muttered,"Look what the fúck you did now.", under her breath. With these words Alex completely forgot what just happened and tackled Skylar to the ground punching her repeatedly in the face. Neverland was crying and pulled Alex off of the now unconscious Skylar, he was devastated to see his two most favourite people, the ones who raised him, fight like savage animals. Alex shoved Neverland away and opened the front door, "When that asshole gets up tell her I went my house in the north and that she can expect a declaration of war tomorrow morning!", she yelled slamming the door shut.
Neverland continued crying holding Skylar close. When she came to he told her what Alex said and she scowled quickly getting up and grabbing Neverland's suitcase. "C'mon Neverland we're going to the south and you're going to be on my side for the war wether you want to or not."
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