Ask my OC's! (2)

I've seen a bunch of pages and stories like this on Qfeast, so I thought it would be fun to make one of my own.

published on April 07, 201511 reads 5 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Historia Alfonsine

Me = myself
HA = Historia Alfonsine
John = John

Me: Hey, Historia! How are you?
HA: I'm great. I rescued a baby bird today from little Nicky throwing stones at it. You know Professor Idiom? The kids call him Professor Idiot?
Me: Oh, is he the one who always uses expressions?
HA: Yeah, that's him. Anyway, apparently he told Nicky to "kill two birds with one stone", and the poor kid misunderstood!
Me: Hmm... Professor Idiom really does need to stop being so mysterious.
HA: Yeah! The other day, he told some girl to "hold her horses", so the kid went out back to the animal pens and tried to hold all the horses at once! Poor girl.
Me: That's actually pretty funny, you know. Anyway, how's Harmonia? She was getting kind of-
HA: Crazy? Yeah, in today's lesson she was crazy too. I think it's because she drank that Ecstasy Potion that was lying out on my desk yesterday.
Me: She what?!? You let her drink an ECSTASY POTION?
HA: I didn't know she was doing it; I'm sorry! I came back from checking on the kids in detention - y'know, Nicky and the horse-holding girl - and Harmonia was holding an empty bottle and her eyes were crazy wide.
Me: I thought I told you not to leave her unsupervised! Wait a minute... John? Are you recording all this?
John: Yup, I am!
Me: Ugh, no! You know the hyper-sensitive type-bots always write down everything that they hear on the video! Now this is going to be in the interview! No, no!
HA: This- haha- is going to be one heck of a story!
John: Should I stop recording now?
Me: Yes, you should.
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