The Fate Of A Flower (sequel to Halloween In December)

The Fate Of A Flower (sequel to Halloween In December)

This is the sequel to my Jeff the killer x reader! except this story is in s/n's POV Key: s/n=your name l/n=last name f/f=favorite food f/c=favorite color f/n=friends name y/n=sibling's name y/a=your age f/w=favorite weapon e/c=eye color n/n=nickname b/n=brother's name

published on June 07, 202048 reads 4 readers 9 completed
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Chapter 5.


A thick black liquid bleeds from Zalgo as Jeff rips his blood soaked knife out of Zalgo’s chest! I start laughing and Jeff asks “what’s so funny kid?” I keep laughing as I say “that’s not gonna stop him! He is a fricken demon! He’ll be back!”  Zalgo starts to heal his own wound! y/n walks over to Zalgo and stabs him in the chest once again just for good measure!

Zalgo says “aww s/n come see your uncle!” I say “ want me to watch you die?” I snap my fingers and a mountain sized rock falls on Zalgo’s head crushing it into a giant black and red demon pancake! y/n giggles and says “heh you really are just like me kid! I don’t know what you are capable of yet so be careful!” I smile as they walk over to me and hug me!

Jeff says “I hate to break up this cute little family reunion but what are we gonna do about...that?” he points at Zalgo’s dead headless body! y/n quickly snaps their fingers and the body disappears into thin air leaving only the thick black blood behind! Jeff still processing what happened says “that’ll work!” y/n smiles at Jeff they then let me go and say “it always does! But he’ll be back!”

I look back to where the body had been and I touch a little bit of the black substance! It slowly starts to bleed inside of the floor and I say “he’s on his way to coming back! Keep your guard up!” Zalgo teleports behind y/n grabs them and they both disappear into thin air! I ask “how often did this type of thing happen before I came?” Jeff says “like two too three times a week!” Slenderman appears in the middle of the room with y/n who has a huge gash on their stomach in one of his tentacles!

He sets them down on the floor then teleports away and I ask “Jeff can you get some bandages?” he walks out of the room and I say “I haven’t told him yet! I hope you are happy sibby! Only you and I know!” Jeff walks in and asks “know what?”...end of chapter five
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Comments (9)

I love your story’s their so good
on October 01, 2020
I love the new additions the ending is cute and funny good job!
on June 12, 2020
Lol tell him I'm in the woods SHE'S IN THE CLOSET I LAUGHED SO HARD XD
well s/n was mad at y/n so...
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
well thank you!
yassss i love ittttt
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
OMG! ITS LIKE S/N 'S VIEW NOW! i have a slight suggestion if u dont mind me saying what if u took y/n's view also like while this is happening now go back and tell y/n's version. like how jeff whispers stuff and that and where Zalgo took her and how she got that gash. u dont have to its just a suggestion! :)
I made one from y/n's POV and Jeff's I just don't post those!
ok! :) i'm now drawn into this story its really good! :D
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020