The Fate Of A Flower (sequel to Halloween In December)

The Fate Of A Flower (sequel to Halloween In December)

This is the sequel to my Jeff the killer x reader! except this story is in s/n's POV Key: s/n=your name l/n=last name f/f=favorite food f/c=favorite color f/n=friends name y/n=sibling's name y/a=your age f/w=favorite weapon e/c=eye color n/n=nickname b/n=brother's name

published on June 07, 202048 reads 4 readers 9 completed
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Chapter 23.

Bad Idea

Jeff’s face reads as intrest as he asks “what will happen if you do?” y/n's eyes turn purple and they say “Things! BAD THINGS!” y/n's eyes turn back to normal and they say “sorry Kathryn doesn't really like having to prove her point!” Jeff grins and drags y/n by the arm to his room!

I follow behind them! He tosses them to the floor and pins them down! He pulls out his knife and gently places the tip of it to their chest! y/n's eyes read straight fear as they say “Jeff I told you if I die again I can’t come back!” Jeff says “that’s the point!” y/n's eyes go from fear to betrayal as they say “do it then!” Jeff starts to apply pressure onto the handle of the knife as I tackle him to the floor and throw the knife out of his hands!

He pushes me off of him and grabs his knife up from the floor! A very recognizable voice in the back of my head tells me to kill him! I help my sibling up off the floor and say “give me your f/w!” y/n pushes me behind them and say “No! This is my battle! You don’t have to fight for me!” Jeff goes to stab y/n but they block the stab with their arm!

They hit his leg with the blade of their f/w and say “i’m not going to kill you if that’s what you want!” Jeff says “the opposite actually! I want to kill you!” he tries to stab y/n again and hits the side of their face! y/n smiles and says “nice shot! Little deeper and you might have killed me!” they are mocking him! I softly say “that’s my sibling!”

y/n's body relaxes a little bit as they hear me say that! Jeff sees that they have relaxed a little and takes his next swing! He catches them off guard and hits them in the shoulder causing them to fall sideways! Jeff towers over them and says “go to sleep!” he tries to stab them in the stomach but they roll out of the way of the blow!

They quickly gets themselves up off the floor and manage to cut him in the leg again! He falls backwards, not able to muster up enough strength to get back up...end of chapter twenty three
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Comments (9)

I love your story’s their so good
on October 01, 2020
I love the new additions the ending is cute and funny good job!
on June 12, 2020
Lol tell him I'm in the woods SHE'S IN THE CLOSET I LAUGHED SO HARD XD
well s/n was mad at y/n so...
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
well thank you!
yassss i love ittttt
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
OMG! ITS LIKE S/N 'S VIEW NOW! i have a slight suggestion if u dont mind me saying what if u took y/n's view also like while this is happening now go back and tell y/n's version. like how jeff whispers stuff and that and where Zalgo took her and how she got that gash. u dont have to its just a suggestion! :)
I made one from y/n's POV and Jeff's I just don't post those!
ok! :) i'm now drawn into this story its really good! :D
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020