The Fate Of A Flower (sequel to Halloween In December)

The Fate Of A Flower (sequel to Halloween In December)

This is the sequel to my Jeff the killer x reader! except this story is in s/n's POV Key: s/n=your name l/n=last name f/f=favorite food f/c=favorite color f/n=friends name y/n=sibling's name y/a=your age f/w=favorite weapon e/c=eye color n/n=nickname b/n=brother's name

published on June 07, 202048 reads 4 readers 9 completed
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Chapter 16.


y/n staggers out of the closet with their hand over their leg! Blood lightly trickles down the leg of their pants! Ben says “oh there’s my sword!” y/n looks at him as her eyes repeatedly flash red! y/n says “next time tell me if you have a sword in your closet!” y/n snaps their fingers and an ace bandage appears in front of them. They begin to wrap their leg with the bandage but Jeff stops them by taking the bandage out of their hand!

y/n says “give it back before she gets hungry!” Jeff says “nah I think it would be fun to watch you bleed out!” y/n teleport's another bandage into their hand and quickly wraps their leg’s wound with it before Jeff has the chance to grab it! y/n looks at me and says “next time don’t give away my hiding spot please!”

I ask “what did you do to make Jeff so mad?” y/n says “I . . . uh. . . got his knife stuck in the closet door!” I sigh and say “take me to it please!” y/n walks out of Ben’s room and into Jeff’s room with me following close behind! They point at the closet door and say “right there!” I look at the door of the closet and see the large kitchen knife wedged in the black wooden door!

I walk over to the knife and rip it clean out of the door! y/n stares at me in wide eyed amazement and I say “you were trying to move it and take it out weren't you?” y/n slowly nods their head and Jeff walks in the room! I set the knife in his hand and say “how many idiots does it take to get a knife out of a door? Apparently two idiots and a ten year old girl!”

I walk out of the room and hear y/n yell “I’M NOT TEN YOU IDIOT!” I walk into my room and shut the door behind me! A few seconds later Sally peeks her head in the door and asks “wanna play?”

I smile faintly and say “sure!” She walks in and we sit on the floor in front of my bed! I pull out a small basket with a few glass dolls in it! I pick up the one on top of the pile and hand it to Sally! The doll wore a little pink dress with long white socks and a pair of little white shoes! I say “she reminds me of you!”...end of chapter sixteen
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Comments (9)

I love your story’s their so good
on October 01, 2020
I love the new additions the ending is cute and funny good job!
on June 12, 2020
Lol tell him I'm in the woods SHE'S IN THE CLOSET I LAUGHED SO HARD XD
well s/n was mad at y/n so...
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
well thank you!
yassss i love ittttt
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
OMG! ITS LIKE S/N 'S VIEW NOW! i have a slight suggestion if u dont mind me saying what if u took y/n's view also like while this is happening now go back and tell y/n's version. like how jeff whispers stuff and that and where Zalgo took her and how she got that gash. u dont have to its just a suggestion! :)
I made one from y/n's POV and Jeff's I just don't post those!
ok! :) i'm now drawn into this story its really good! :D
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020