The Fate Of A Flower (sequel to Halloween In December)

The Fate Of A Flower (sequel to Halloween In December)

This is the sequel to my Jeff the killer x reader! except this story is in s/n's POV Key: s/n=your name l/n=last name f/f=favorite food f/c=favorite color f/n=friends name y/n=sibling's name y/a=your age f/w=favorite weapon e/c=eye color n/n=nickname b/n=brother's name

published on June 07, 202048 reads 4 readers 9 completed
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Chapter 10.


Jeff says “I’ll kill f/n!” y/n giggles and says “you wouldn't dare! Would you?” Jeff grabs me by the neck and says “you know what. . .this ones closer!” y/n's eyes flash different colors as they say “let. . .Her. . .GO!!!” they jump at Jeff knocking him to the ground! I pull y/n off him and ask “who is f/n?” y/n's eyes turn back to the normal blue color they were! they hold out their hand and say “come i’ll show you!” I grab their hand and we are teleported to a blueish grey house! y/n walks up and knocks on the door.

I trial close behind them not trying to make a scene! A blond haired teenage girl opens the door and asks “who are you?” y/n smiles and says “wow f/n nice one!” tears build up in the other girls eyes as y/n holds her arms out as if waiting for the embrace that the other girl soon provided!

The girl spots me lets y/n go and asks “who’s that?” y/n smiles and says “this is my little sister s/n!” I wave silently and say “hi!” f/n says “come in!” we all walk into the house and f/n says “my parents are at work and my siblings are at school so it’s just us!” y/n says “sorry to mess up this meet and greet but we gotta get going!” y/n grabs my hand and we are teleported back to Jeff’s room! Jeff asks “why do you keep doing that?”

y/n smiles and says “one. . .because it ticks you the frick off! Two. . .because I wanted s/n to meet f/n and three because. . .f/n and I haven’t seen each other for like five years!” Jeff says “next time just tell me first!” y/n thinks for a second then says “NOPE!” they teleport out of the room! I say “sorry about my sibling! they are . . . something!” Jeff says “oh trust me I know!”

I say “no one trusts you . . . you are a murderer!” Jeff says “yeah like you have a whole lot of room to talk!” I say “I have never killed anyone!” Jeff mockingly says “so eating someone's soul isn’t killing them? Oh I never would have known!” I feel anger wash over me as I say “don’t make me get them!” Jeff asks “who is your silly sibling?” I yell “Y/N JEFF IS PICKING ON ME!!!!!”...end of chapter ten
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Comments (9)

I love your story’s their so good
on October 01, 2020
I love the new additions the ending is cute and funny good job!
on June 12, 2020
Lol tell him I'm in the woods SHE'S IN THE CLOSET I LAUGHED SO HARD XD
well s/n was mad at y/n so...
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
well thank you!
yassss i love ittttt
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
OMG! ITS LIKE S/N 'S VIEW NOW! i have a slight suggestion if u dont mind me saying what if u took y/n's view also like while this is happening now go back and tell y/n's version. like how jeff whispers stuff and that and where Zalgo took her and how she got that gash. u dont have to its just a suggestion! :)
I made one from y/n's POV and Jeff's I just don't post those!
ok! :) i'm now drawn into this story its really good! :D
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020
on June 07, 2020