Pencils and Pens

This story is about an ordinary man, who was ordinary until ONE particular Thursday. Suddenly pencils and pens start speaking to him. Edward could have never expected this!

published on January 13, 201748 reads 18 readers 9 not completed
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Pencils and Pens
Chapter 2.

The particular Monday.

If anyone had asked me about this particular Monday, I would've said that it was just like any other Monday. Except, This one wasn't so normal. As I made my way to grab the pencil, I heard the tiniest highest "Eeep!". I looked around the room, but saw nothing. I continued to reach for the pencil, and placed my hand on  it. Then once again, I heard the same voice. "Eeeeep!" went the tiny voice as I tried to find out what was making that infernal sound. I finally grabbed the pencil, and then...It stopped. The voice stopped screaming and shouting. "Huh..." I sighed "I really need to relax and take a break from things.". I began to sketch on and on.
First with the eyes, then the nose, then the mouth. People never knew of my artistic talents, and how when I sketched so quickly. Sometimes, I would finish the drawing in about five or eight minutes. I thought that maybe if they knew, they would be surprised. Then suddenly, the pencil led broke. "Eeeeaaaaaahhhh!!!", there it was, the most painful and startling scream. Most people would just think that I was just over reacting, but I wasn't most people. I instantly went to cover and block my ears with my hands until...The voice trailed out...until...there was only silence. I was filled somewhat with fright, but...I had to sharpen the pencil. I thought to myself "Come on Eddie...It's not gonna do anything" I slowly made my way to the pencil sharpener. "Seriously Eddie...It's JUST a pencil". I inserted the pencil into the pencil sharpener. The loud sound it made wasn't nearly as bad as the screaming I heard. "Aaaarrghhhh!!!" The screaming went on and on, until again there was only silence. "Sorta dull...But I-I-I don't think I EVER want to go through that a-a-any longer" I stuttered in fright. Soon, I continued to sketch. I started with the chin up to the forehead, then began on the hair and bangs. Only to figure out, I had drawn Surlie Bennet. No one, not even I, knew this but I really liked Surlie Bennet.

Yet I, never noticed or even considered the thought. I just thought they were really good friends, and nothing else. I put the drawing with the other drawings of his friends. I tried to pull the thought of the scream from his head, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't over. I decided to ignore it, like  "normal" people do. Then once more began to sketch. First the eyes, then the nose, then the mouth, the chin, the head, and the hair. I then started on the body. He mostly drew people, but I could draw other things. No, I wasn't the kind of artist you'd think me to be. I was a pencil artist. Not really much of an exciting job, but I loved it. As I finished the drawing, I heard the voice again! Except, it was calmer this time, and sounded much more like a human. It exclaimed in disgust as I put the finishing touches. "Ughhh" Went the not-so-tiny voice. It sounded as if it hated the drawing that I drew.  "Blehhhh" It moaned, but not because of the drawing. But because it was dizzy, and somewhat in pain. So it spoke once more, "Dizzyyy.". I wasn't frightened, only a little bit puzzled. "What do you mean dizzy?" I question the voice "Hello?". I tried to make contact with the voice but every time I tried it wouldn't answer him. Then the pencil fell of the desk. It was strange since the table never leaned, it was as if it was trying to get away. I carefully picked it up, he then prepared for a little scream again...there was nothing. "Huh" I chuckled a little "I really should take my friends advice...".

"Did someone say Friends?!" Jayden jumped out from behind my closet door. I froze instantly, I didn't know how I couldn't see him there. I spoke to give off the impression that I wasn't scared. "Come on Jayden...we're adults now..." I stated. "Yeah, but your'e an adult who's a little baby!" he shot back, even though I just stated something. "Whatcha drawing, dork?" he asked in a somewhat joking way. "Just a random little drawing...I don't really know who it is though..." I answered. "By the way...did...did you hear that tiny voice?" I asked, just to find out if I was crazy or not. "Hehehehe, you really ARE a dork, That was me!" he answered in his immature ways. "Oh...forget what I said...please." I felt ashamed, I should have known it was Jayden but I didn't.
     Soon it was late afternoon, and I was pushing Jayden out the door. This was probably predictable, but besides Surlie, I had no one. So that, like every other afternoon, I ate alone. I Washed the dishes alone, and went to bed alone. I did have my friends, but they would only talk online. So I was always alone.
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Comments (9)

I love the story. Like the idea of pens and pencils
Coming to life good job with it!
Oh? Thanks! These days I think about rewriting it, changing a few minor things. Now that I think about it, it wasnt my best effort. But, thanks! I was kinda worried and, embarrassed of it..
Nah don't be haha it was a good story. I have a few stories I'm afraid to post on here haha
on November 26, 2017
on November 26, 2017
on November 26, 2017
This writing style kind of reminds me of the author of Freak the Mighty. I really like this story, btw.
on July 25, 2017
on June 22, 2017
Must haz moar
Yeah, I'm trying to make chapter 3
But the thing died
on January 16, 2017
on January 14, 2017
Nice work! It reminds me of a certain author whose style I like, but I can't think of the name...
on January 13, 2017
on January 13, 2017