Surviving on earth s2 Maddie

Surviving on earth s2 Maddie

Read season 1 first. Adventure/action with some romance. Hwiakdjdnnwjwjdjd

published on November 25, 20182 reads 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Part 3

After lunch or maybe it was dinner I have no clue I was escorted to my room. I was put with Monty and Jasper at their requests. There were only two beds.

"Looks like you'll have to bunk with one of us", Monty said.

"Do it with Monty he's your brother", Jasper requested.

"Or you two could sleep together", I suggested.

"Dirty mind", Jasper said.

"We're not gay thank you very much", Monty said.

"Could've fooled me", I laughed.

We all started cracking up.

"Maddie we can share a bed", Monty agreed with Jasper.

He started making a pillow wall and I tried to keep from blushing. I climbed onto my side of the bed. I looked at Monty's silky black hair and remembered the first time I met him and the time my parents died.


My dad came home from work one day he said something to my mom and she nearly fainted, I tried to hold back my tears but seeing my brave mother so worried made me sob.
My dad went down on his knees next to me "I love you Madeline always remember that"
My mom started to walk over but just then the door opened the only person crying more then you mom was me. The guards forced my parents on the floor. They put metal hand cuffs on them and guns were put to their heads.
"You will be floated tomorrow at noon", one of the guards said he didn't care one bit.
"Give my things to my daughter. I love you Maddie", she said between sobs as she was dragged out the door!
The next day I was given my moms necklace and brought into the orphanage in a room on the other side of the ark. There was three other kids besides me. There was Marlee she was 12, Christopher who was 9 like me, and lastly canyon who was 4. Nobody wanted us I had been here for 4 months and that was nothing Marlee had been here 6 years! The memory of my parents death kept replaying in my head.
Mrs. Murphy who was in charge of the orphanage came in one day to talk to us "we are getting visitors who are planing on adopting one of you so be on your best behavior, all of you including you Christopher."
I changed into the best outfit I owned. Lucky for me all the clothes I owned before my parents died still fit me so I had a lot of clothes. I was wearing black leggings and a white shirt with flowers. I sat down at the dinner table with the rest of the orphans and put my napkin on my lap. There was a knock on the door.
"Their here. Smile", mrs. Murphy said.
A couple with a boy who looked really cute who was hiding behind his dad's back walked in. I smiled the nicest smile I could manage, I waved at the boy.
"These are the greens", mrs. Murphy said.
"Hello", we all chimed in unison.
They talked to each of us one on one and they said they were coming back.
Once they were gone Marlee said "they have to pick me I've been here the longest it's only fair"
"We don't get to pick Marlee, if they pick me it's not my fault", I said.
"Well can all of you try to act awful tomorrow I deserve it", Marlee said.
"Of course", canyon said.
Christopher and I sent each other a glance.
"No", Christopher said.
"Of course not", I said
"Well you all suck. Besides you canyon", she said and then stormed out of the room
The next day they came back but just talked to mrs. Murphy for awhile we all took turns listening through the door.
About an hour later the Greens came out and said "Madeline your coming with us"
I practically cried I was so happy Marlee looked like she was just punched in the gut.


"Monty do you remember when I was first adopted", I asked?

"Yeah", he responded, "I had never seen someone so happy".

"Guys shut it I'm trying to sleep", Jasper said.

"Fine", I said.

"And when I first met you I thought you were really weird", Jasper said.

"Japser what's going on with you", Monty asked?

"Nothing I'm just really tired", he said sharply.

Before I knew it I was sleeping.
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