Zestrayton: Renewed

Years have passed after the war, No more fighting, not anymore. Winter skies and autumn leaves, Blow me away to symphonies. Summer skies and spring trees, Honey made from different bees. Different people all unique. All that are from old and antique. Different stories of each one, telling you about their fun. A realm that was old, renewed, and maybe this time will have you.

published on July 09, 20233 reads 3 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

What started the war? The aftermath?

Zestrayton was once an entire country, without separate realms. Due to the war between the townsfolk, causing distress to Addall, Addall created the separate realms in order to keep the folk from each other.
The was caused by one side of the country forming an alliance with mother nature, the other forming an allianc against mother nature(Later known as Cesotal and Ubexus), the two sides fought - one side to keep the natural beauty safe, the other to recreate the country with more builds. But where does Xaddratis come in? You see, it doesn't. Addall created the three separate realms, based off of their uniqueness. Xaddratis for their neutralness and strong relationships, Cesotal had the natural side of the country(now a realm), and Ubexus their own realm with nothing to build off of. Due to the fact that a few of the smaller deities sided with Ubexus, they built up easily.
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