Night's Quest

Night's Quest

Night uncovers a secret.He meets a wild, scared wolf.Night helps her. learn about Night's past, his adventures, what he has to give to t he pack.Night discovers a secret about him he never new he could do.Read this and find out!

published on June 08, 201615 reads 6 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

Trying to run?

Magic stalked slowly by the cave.She overheard Daisy and Night talking."I told you Daisy, I'm not in love with you." "But, I came all this way to find you.I even left my home.I thought you loved me.We can still be mates, even if I was a pet.We can make arrangements.I can join your pack.I can talk to Shadow.." "Don't ever talk about him alright!!!" "Why-he is your father,Night." "SHADOW IS DEAD!!"Magic ate a piece of the fish.She ran again.She was almost by the forest.Magic looked back and saw.....Night?! Night was catching up.Behind him was Daisy, struggling.Magic fell into a hole."Magic are you alright?!"
Magic was about to say something,but passed out.Everything was black.
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