City of Suits (not completed) By Reid H and Mira H

City of Suits (not completed) By Reid H and Mira H

The entire world has been split into four quadrants. That might seem unbelievable because what you, the reader, knows the population of the world is around 7.8 billion people. Well now the population is around 10,000. In the year 3155 a plague hit known as the Crimson Breath. This deadly plague was known as the Crimson Breath because it would infect you from the inside out and almost seem as if your breath was a crimson color, and it was. This was so deadly that if there was someone, even within ten feet of you, they would get the plague too.

published on November 15, 20216 reads 3 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

Chapter 4: Georgia

After the predicament with Leo getting pulled under the water, we walked silently with each other through the woods. Even though this is basically the same thing that we were doing before I saved Leo’s life, now I was trying to make him feel more comfortable. Now that he was feeling better, I knew that he had to open up. I needed to know about him to connect with him.
“So what’s your family like?” I asked. He didn’t say anything, so I repeated my question, “What’s your family like Leo?”
I saw a tear run down his cheek slowly. I was confused because Leo seemed so tough. I thought that he had a big loving family. I mean he looked so well taken care of.
“I’m sorry I-I didn’t know that it was so personal,” I apologized.
“No It’s fine,” He said, wiping the tear from his left cheek, right where his big scar was. “When I was three years old, my parents died in a war, and I went to live in an orphanage,” Even though he already wiped the tear from his eye, more came.
“Hey, it’s okay. You have me now,” I hugged him. I didn’t even know that I was capable of acting like that, let alone hug someone. We just stood there for a long time. Once I had felt his heartbeat slow down I let go of him, and we continued walking. We walked for a really long time when I noticed that the sun was setting.
“We should set up camp,” Leo whispered.
“You’re probably right. Wait, why are we whispering?” I muttered.
“Uhh, I don’t know,” Leo murmured.
We stopped talking and began settling down for the night. Since I only had one blanket, I decided to give it to Leo, after all, he was still a little wet from falling into the water.
“No, you should have it. It’s yours.” Leo said in a kind voice.
“I insist,” I said in a stern voice.
“Okay. Fine, but you get it tomorrow night.” Leo offered.
“Deal,” I said, finalizing it.
We settled down, and I didn’t want to admit it, but I was kind of regretting giving Leo that blanket. It had to be below 45 degrees. I don’t know how, but I managed to fall asleep.
When I woke up it was warmer, but not only because the sun was up, but because the blanket was resting on me.
I stood up as quickly as I could, which -was not that fast- and looked around for Leo. I saw him trying to start a fire about five yards away from where I was sleeping.
“Leo whatever-your-last-name-is!” I shouted, marching over to him.
“What did I do?” Leo asked, standing up and whipping around. He looked terrified.
“I said you had the blanket!” I shouted a little quieter at him that time. I didn’t really know why I was getting so mad about this, but I was.
“You were shivering, and I thought that you needed the blanket more than I did.” He defended himself.
“Don’t do that again!” This time I had simmered down a little.
“Yes, Ma’am.” He said looking me straight in the eyes. I looked at his eyes for the first time since we met, and I noticed that he had one bluey-grey one and one bright emerald green one.
“Your eyes are so cool!” I marveled.
“Really?” Leo asked,  clearly glad to be off the previous topic.
“Yeah,” I said, turning back around.
I walked back to the place that I had slept and began stuffing all of my stuff into my bag.
“Hey, I’m going to go hunting now,” Leo called, giving up on the fire. It had rained about a week ago, so all of the wood was damp.
“Okay,” I said. “Be careful!”
Once he had left and all of my stuff was cleaned up, I heard something. It wasn’t just wind even though that was what I really wanted it to be. It sounded like footsteps that were trying to be quiet but were drastically failing. At first, I thought that maybe it was Leo trying to scare me, but I realized that it was coming from a completely different direction than the way that he had left.
“Leo!” I called, actually kind of scared.
I heard Leo’s footsteps coming now too. Now I knew that I was in trouble. I saw a grown man emerge from the left side of me soon before Leo came out of the woods on the right side of me.
        I turned to Leo and soon after I heard the footsteps of the man begin to run.
        “Georgia!” Leo screamed. “NOOO”
        The rest was a blur. All I know of what happened was Leo screamed, I screamed, and something hit me.
        I don’t know what hit me, but I know that it was caused by the man who came out of the woods and that it hurt. It hurt a lot.
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