

Ashley has always been a kittypet. Safe within her housefolk's yard, she never had any desire to leave, but when she meets a cheeky rogue named Fox she begins having second thoughts. One day when disaster strikes, Ashely is thrust into the world of rogues, warriors, and battles, and must make decisions and go to places she could never have imagined.

published on March 07, 201556 reads 21 readers 11 not completed
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Chapter 5.

Chapter Five

Ashley groaned. Her head was throbbing and there was something warm and wet trickling from her ear down onto the ground. She blinked her eyes open and squinted at the far end of the alley she was in.

She appeared to be in some sort of box, laying on a pile of old newspapers and Housefolk bed stuffing. It was discovered that the liquid trickling from her ear was blood, when the shecat looked down at the ground beside her. Ashley had also suffered a nasty gash on her side where the rats had attacked her, and she had a twisted paw from falling.

'How did I get here?' Ashley wondered, sitting up stiffly, wincing in pain as her twisted  paw flared in sudden pain. She clenched her jaw tightly shut and breathed out heavily while she waited for the pain to subside.
A little while later, Ashley stood up and limped out of the box to look at the ends of the alley. This was a fairly clean one, so she could assume it didn't belong to the BloodClan savages. Before she could take one step further, a cat yowled loudly.

Ashley whipped her head to the direction of the noise to see a pale cream and ginger shecat racing towards her, with an expression of distress.
"You! You!" She meowed pitifully. Ashley just backed up a little, shocked.
"Me?" She asked.
The cat nodded vigorously, obviously upset.

"Yes! You! If Fox sees you up, he'll throw a fit. He says you're not healed yet."

"Wait... F-Fox?" Ashley mewed, confusion and shock painting her delicate features.
Before the other shecat could reply, quick pawsteps could be heard and the orange shecat shoved Ashley into the box.
The former kitttypet snarled from inside the box and opened her mouth to complain, hut stopped when she heard an annoyingly familiar voice; Fox.

"Is she awake?"
"Yes. She just woke up, and doesn't seem to be in too much pain." That was the new cat.
"Alright, good. I'll go talk to her."

Fox squeezed his way into the box and looked to the corner, where Ashley was huddled up. She unsheathed her claws and hissed at him.

"What are you going to do to me?!" She exclaimed, trembling with fear and confusion.

Fox sighed, "I'm not going to hurt you." He meowed complacently as he stepped forward, his now unsheathes claws scraping against the cement, leaving small gouges.

Ashley's eyes widened in fear as he stopped right in front of her and held his paw up.
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Comments (11)

Plus that was really specific
on January 13, 2016
Whoa my sis made something like that she loves warriors!!!
on January 13, 2016
I will admit, this is interesting. I've never seen someone put fire in their warrior cat stories, honestly. This interests me.
NP. I would love to see a new chapter ^^
Take your time though, I don't you killing yourself in stress!
I don't care if the story is 1000 years old, I would still love it.
NP, once again! I really cant wait to see it! I would love to give you more ideas and inspiration >3
I'm glad your excited yourself!
But remember, don't rush yourself! I doubt anyone wants you to die of stress <3
on January 14, 2016
Thanks again!
I'll start the new chapter right away. . . I'm actually kind of excited to get back into the Warrior Cats fanfiction world. And thanks for kind if giving me the inspiration I needed. ^-^U
on January 13, 2016
on January 13, 2016
Thanks so much!! ((: that makes me happy to hear, since this story is kinda old. I'll keep working on it.
on January 13, 2016
on January 12, 2016
Where is chapter 2? It went from chapter 1 straight to chapter 3.
Oh, sorry! Let me see.
on December 14, 2015
on December 14, 2015
on March 07, 2015
on March 07, 2015