just my poems/mini stories

just my poems/mini stories

my poems bc i cant trust myself to NOT lose my poem/art book again bc im irresponsible and forgetful

published on October 21, 20235 reads 2 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.



a boy with separation anxiety and depression looses a best friend to suicide

ever since the boys best friend had passed, his depression had worsed. he cpuld barely keep up with his schoolwork, let alone himself

it lead him into a deeper hole dug by it, the schoolwork building up and and his depression getting the best of him makes the boy consider taking his own life

as he goes to sleep, set on overdosing the next morning before school, he had a dream.

it was a dream of the boys best friend, his friend had appeared in his dream to convince him not to take his life

the friend had told the boy how he regretted taking their life and it hurted them in the afterlife seeing their best friend hurting die to their own selfish decision

the boy awoke from his dream, shaking and crying from what he saw. the boy couldnt believe his best friend had appeared in his dream to tell him not to do it.

The boy, now feeling a wave of regret, trashes the pills he was going to use to overdose. smiling and crying he looked up at the sky in remembrance of his best friend.
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