My Hidden Twin

My Hidden Twin

This is a FICTIONAL story about me and my best friend. I wish it was real though. This was made for you Blossom! To show how much I care about you! My bestie uwu

published on September 07, 202021 reads 9 readers 7 not completed
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Chapter 3.

The plan

        We walked over to my house and I walked in.

        "Mom!" I said "I'm here".

        "Where were you?!" she yelled at me.

        "I'm sorry, I went out for a bit." I told her.

        "Well!" she said "Get to work!!" She screamed.

        "No." I said.

        "What do you mean no?!" she yelled.

        "No means no." I told her "I'm not gonna be your slave and do everything for you guys!"

        My "sister walked in the room confused. "What's going on?" she asked.

        "What's going on?!" I screamed "what's going on is that you all treat me like sh*t! And I'm not gonna take it anymore! I'm leaving. Hope you're happy."

        "Where are you going young lady?!" she screamed after me as I walked outside.

        She ran outside after me. When she got to me, she tried to slap me but right before she was about to my real mom grabbed her hand and twisted it.

        "Don't. Ever. Touch. MY. Daughter. Ever. Again!" she said.

        The stranger got scared. But I knew she was only acting. I mean come on, this is the woman that kidnapped a 3 year old! She wouldn't be scared.

        "F-Fine," she said "I'll leave her alone.."

        "She's lying!" I yelled.

        "Call the police mom!" said Callie.

~20 minutes later~

        "I swear I didn't kidnap her!" the woman yelled.

        "Then why does she look exactly like the girl from this family?" said a police officer as he put her and the rest in the police car.

        I ran to Callie and hugged her. "I-I don't know what to say...m-my own twin!" I said.

        Callie said "Yea we've been looker all over for you! But at some point we gave we just came here to our home town just to remember you..and look! We found you! I'm so happy to see you again! And I'm so happy we got here before know.."

        "Oh wait- you guys saw that?!.." I asked.

        "y-yea.." she said solemnly.

        "o-oh..." I said "w-well you guys saved me!". I hugged her. My own twin and family saved my life without me even knowing it!

        Then the Police Officer said "Well, we are gonna go now, have a good day."

        I looked in at the people in the car. All 3 of them- WAIT 3?!? ONLY 3 OF THEM WERE IN THE CAR!! THERE WERE 4 OF THEM!!

        "Wait!!" I yelled after the police car. But I guess they didn't hear me..

        One of them was out there somewhere...and I'm gonna find them...
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Comments (7)

Ofc ur including creepypastas-
yup XD
on September 10, 2020
on September 10, 2020
Noice ?? This is super good! Be a writer like omfg!
@TheAquaBengal just nvm XD
*sighs* fine..
on September 09, 2020
on September 09, 2020
Why you laughing??? Me am confusion
on September 09, 2020
on September 09, 2020
on September 09, 2020